Not sure if this was ever addressed, but I've been having problems automatically recording demos now for quite some time.
For some reason, in GT servers (not sure if it happened in ereets), the demos randomly do not automatically record.
When I first connect to a server, I get this:

That's on the first map that I connect to in. It actually DOES record a demo though, and that's from directly going from the server browser to that server; no in betweens.
When a new map comes up, this happens:

It does not record a demo at all... no demo in the folder for that map.
The arecord command still works, however, so it's not a serverside issue I believe.

m7 had this a while ago, not sure if it was ever resolved. He claimed it was on GT match4 server, but my screenies are from GT match2. haven't changed anything in my config, I use pretty much default settings on everything (screen, fov, sensitivity, whatever). I'm also using build 26, although it happened in the previous builds as well.
EDIT: I've only been able to replicate this problem on shazam22 after it was loaded after a map. I went to carp, pforest, pp1 then back to shazam22 and it happened again. Then I restarted shazam22 (newmapped it) and it didn't happen...
No idea why it's doing this...