Seeing the GT servers going offline permanently is sad to see. I must admit that I took them for granted as most of us did. As many of you know, I work at an ISP. I have access to an AT&T symmetrical 100 MB Ethernet backbone. I have permission to set up DP servers on this line and would be willing if I could get some help. I am willing to buy, maintain, and host these servers but I will need help. I do have at my disposal several, older, computers. Usually they have 1.6 GHz processors and I can load in 2 gigs of ram and fast hard drives. This would serve at least in the interim until eR33t's are back on-line. I also would be interested in buying one, longterm server and was wondering if the experts could tell me if this is sufficient or if I am going about this the wrong way. also would need some help with the initial setup as I have never done this before. I do have basic computer knowledge, both hardware and software, but I am mostly self taught. I am asking EXPERIENCED members to offer suggestions and point me in the right direction as I would like to get this rolling before GT servers go offline.
Step 1. The Build.
What specs do I need to run a decent DP server? As I understand it, I can use intergrated video card as pushing pixels around is not a function of the server. Is a Pentium 4 sufficient processor for a 16 person server? Is Windows xp an acceptable OS or should I run Linux? I have absolutely no Linux experience although I have used command based OS before.
I will check back for advice, as well as keep this thread updated with progress. Currently have 3 computers ready to deploy if I can get some help from you guys. Hopefully, this can help the community stay on its feet in the midst of everyone talking about how this game is dieing.