Author Topic: Racism...  (Read 5069 times)


  • PGP
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« on: April 27, 2009, 12:50:16 PM »
I don't think that this kind of comportment should be allowed here.


  • Autococker
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Re: Racism...
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2009, 12:57:42 PM »
All you can do is type 'players' in the console, get whatever number he is, then type 'ignore #' in the console, replacing # with his number.

We can't do anything about this kind of abuse, the only ones who can are server admins, and whether they would choose to ban him from their servers or not.


  • Autococker
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Re: Racism...
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2009, 01:08:09 PM »
can do a lot. Jits can ban that idiot like he bans hackers.


  • PGP
  • Posts: 11
Re: Racism...
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2009, 01:22:44 PM »
hello and thank for fast response.
i guess that his clan should punish him... and they will if the whole clan faces punishment for this kind of behavior from it's members - don't you agree ?
like football - the gallery shows racism - the team loses !


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 217
Re: Racism...
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2009, 01:33:55 PM »
cl_swearfilter, ignore, another server.
thats a rather tame comment compared to most that you will see in this game. i suggest NOT vacationing in New York if you get offended this easily.

ill see if he wants to remove the bind but i dont promise anything.


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Re: Racism...
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2009, 03:46:55 PM »
can do a lot. Jits can ban that idiot like he bans hackers.

First off, Lets go this route. People say if you ban all the hackers then DP will die. You think banning everyone who says something that offends another should be banned as well? lol

If someone calls you a name that you consider racist then aren't you a racist for thinking like that? I'll call people jews and worse. I dont do it because I'm racist. I do it to be funny and to make light of something that should have no bearing in these new generations. I'm a middle aged white male in the U.S. I think I am one of the most hated by every race out there. I've dealt with blacks, rednecks, mexicans and just about every known minority out there. I talk crap to skeet (who some believe is black) and he talks right back. I don't do it cuz I hate his blackness. I do it because it is funny. I laugh when he calls my wife a mexican jew. Doesn't offend me because it is true. If you're a jew i feel sorry for you.  (awesome rhyme).


  • Autococker
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Re: Racism...
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2009, 04:23:31 PM »
First off, Lets go this route. People say if you ban all the hackers then DP will die. You think banning everyone who says something that offends another should be banned as well? lol

If someone calls you a name that you consider racist then aren't you a racist for thinking like that? I'll call people jews and worse. I dont do it because I'm racist. I do it to be funny and to make light of something that should have no bearing in these new generations. I'm a middle aged white male in the U.S. I think I am one of the most hated by every race out there. I've dealt with blacks, rednecks, mexicans and just about every known minority out there. I talk crap to skeet (who some believe is black) and he talks right back. I don't do it cuz I hate his blackness. I do it because it is funny. I laugh when he calls my wife a mexican jew. Doesn't offend me because it is true. If you're a jew i feel sorry for you.  (awesome rhyme).

But then there's those guys who get offended. Idiots for sure, yes, yes.


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Re: Racism...
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2009, 04:43:14 PM »
sadly, racism is part of life.


  • PGP
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Re: Racism...
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2009, 04:55:59 PM »
Thats a pretty Ballin' Quote.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 720
Re: Racism...
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2009, 05:14:59 PM »
i actually like that one Greybush said imma have to say that to my social studies teacher when he brings all his jewish family to school... lol   BTW he dont take offense to that


  • Autococker
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Re: Racism...
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2009, 06:04:11 PM »
Nowayz your cool.


  • Autococker
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Re: Racism...
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2009, 06:46:38 PM »
Nowayz your cool.

I hope you meant to spell 'your' wrong.


  • Map Committee
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Re: Racism...
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2009, 08:27:16 PM »
Funny too since that guy is 39 years old.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 217
Re: Racism...
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2009, 09:32:18 PM »
9-10 if you call a camper a jew they will start moving.

If someone calls you a name that you consider racist then aren't you a racist for thinking like that? I'll call people jews and worse. I dont do it because I'm racist. I do it to be funny and to make light of something that should have no bearing in these new generations. I'm a middle aged white male in the U.S. I think I am one of the most hated by every race out there. I've dealt with blacks, rednecks, mexicans and just about every known minority out there. I talk crap to skeet (who some believe is black) and he talks right back. I don't do it cuz I hate his blackness. I do it because it is funny. I laugh when he calls my wife a mexican jew. Doesn't offend me because it is true. If you're a jew i feel sorry for you.  (awesome rhyme).
the raciest comment wars among friends are fun.  ;D


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 120
Re: Racism...
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2009, 11:27:12 PM »
First off, Lets go this route. People say if you ban all the hackers then DP will die. You think banning everyone who says something that offends another should be banned as well? lol

If someone calls you a name that you consider racist then aren't you a racist for thinking like that? I'll call people jews and worse. I dont do it because I'm racist. I do it to be funny and to make light of something that should have no bearing in these new generations. I'm a middle aged white male in the U.S. I think I am one of the most hated by every race out there. I've dealt with blacks, rednecks, mexicans and just about every known minority out there. I talk crap to skeet (who some believe is black) and he talks right back. I don't do it cuz I hate his blackness. I do it because it is funny. I laugh when he calls my wife a mexican jew. Doesn't offend me because it is true. If you're a jew i feel sorry for you.  (awesome rhyme).

you should be carefull, your "jokes" are not funny for everyone, you can easily offend people this way.


  • PGP
  • Posts: 12
Re: Racism...
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2009, 11:50:37 PM »
This topic is going nowhere. Racism is an everyday thing and is never going to change. A comment which is said to anyone in a game is a very small thing to get offended about.


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Re: Racism...
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2009, 01:40:44 PM »
you should be carefull, your "jokes" are not funny for everyone, you can easily offend people this way.

I grew up under the shadow of the cold war so I honestly understand what jewish people went through in Europe. I also understand that they were not the only ones singled out at the time. I also know that if you can not take someone calling you a jew then maybe you need to look really carefully at your beliefs. I'm sure my wife wouldn't be offended if I called her a jew. As a matter of fact she would be proud since that is what she is. As for my "jokes" hurting people, Please take into consideration that I, as a white middle aged man, do not get any handouts or help or whatever you would like to call it from any particular "group". I do not get reparations, even though I did not ask to come here. I do not get assistance with housing since I made a choice to live where I can afford to. I do not get free schooling because I am white. Others do have race specific things that I can not be included in such as scholarships for minorities, race/religion related holidays, and numerous others. Yet it offends someone to be called a jew as I sit here and watch numerous groups fight to change everything I grew up with such as Christmas, Easter, Columbus day, and others. How is this different? If things that have been around for decades but now offend others we do away with them. With that being said... I should be entitled to my own opinion and find it offensive that you don't find my "jokes" funny. It offends me that people don't want me to call them a jew. I guess I could find other more colorful names to call you if you do not like to be called by what you chose for yourself.


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Re: Racism...
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2009, 01:55:19 PM »
ever wonder why there isn't a "American WHITE College Fund", WHITE Caucus, Miss WHITE America?

things that make you go hmmmm.

I could continue this for a VERY long time.

But, with respect to in game racist comments. The only things to do are:

1. Ignore the comments
2. Ignore the player
3. Change servers.

It happens.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 72
Re: Racism...
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2009, 03:16:40 PM »
Ok, Jewish isn't a race it is a religion. I am Catholic and I think its a sin that the Jews won't acknowledge Christ as the son of God. Why won't they? Plain and simple (and this I learned in church) The Jews say he is not the son of God because he was born in a stable. To them the son of God has to be born in a palace. Stop and think about this, Jews are the biggest racist out there (quote from a site on Jewish men and non-jewish girl)

"Just be yourself. My mother was catholic and my dad Jewish. Mom converted to Judaism before marrying my dad (you shouldn't feel obligated to do this, by the way), but his family always referred to her as "the Shickza"'s NOT a nice term for a non-Jewish woman married to a Jewish man."

When the term Jew Camper is said it is meant to people know that there is some lazy person camping and they need to be aware of this moron. If you want to camp then I will let people know that there is an opposing player camping. Usually when they hear that they (the camper) gets mad and moves out. I was born in NYC, I have seen all kinds of people; White, Black, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc. I am not racist, I hate everyone equally. I have friends of all kinds.

Yes I am 39, I think the world is in trouble when morons like the ones on DP have to camp. Its a game for god sake. If you don't have the nerve to play a game that won't hurt you then how the heck are you going to survive in life. Kids today need a kick in the pants. This world is going to suffer with them running it. The campers I see in the game are no better than the ones I see every sunday at the paintball field. Little prissy dirtbags that have no balls to play. Don't judge me, as Jesus said to the people who were about to stone the prostitute, "Let he who has no sin cast the first stone." No one did, they all walked away. Love me, hate me, I don't care. Clans jump up all the time and all I hear is whine whine whine. It's a game!  You people are not the best, your cheats have not been detected. God people when will you kids. There are some of you out there that I enjoy playing against. You make the game fun, as for you whiny little brats, go play with your PS3, wii, or XBox 360.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 52
Re: Racism...
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2009, 07:15:11 PM »
First off, Lets go this route. People say if you ban all the hackers then DP will die. You think banning everyone who says something that offends another should be banned as well? lol

If someone calls you a name that you consider racist then aren't you a racist for thinking like that? I'll call people jews and worse. I dont do it because I'm racist. I do it to be funny and to make light of something that should have no bearing in these new generations. I'm a middle aged white male in the U.S. I think I am one of the most hated by every race out there. I've dealt with blacks, rednecks, mexicans and just about every known minority out there. I talk crap to skeet (who some believe is black) and he talks right back. I don't do it cuz I hate his blackness. I do it because it is funny. I laugh when he calls my wife a mexican jew. Doesn't offend me because it is true. If you're a jew i feel sorry for you.  (awesome rhyme).

but, there would be more of the older dp people coming back since there would be less hackers. for example,
atmays said that he doesnt get on much anymore because there are too many hackers

its like a clan, if there are too many newbs, people leave that clan, if there are less noobs, then more people want to join that clan.

but about the offensive part, if it seems really harsh, like,
some one calling a black person a tigger for no reason, then the black person doesnt answer, for fear of more harrasment, and the other person starts sayin, like, oh wow, see how dumb he is for not answering!! its like he doesnt know how to speak or somthin,

my father is african-american, so he deals w/ racist comments all the time
so i know how harsh it can get