You need to clean up all the old garbage left over from the original map and fix a bunch of the texture alignment issues. Also, it doesn't seem like it vised very well. Sometimes puffs from the waterfall will come through the wall, even though those should be entirely sealed off by vis. There may be some cracks in the wall or something, or you may need to use hint brushes to help ensure the outside area isn't rendered when you're inside. Why did you remove the railing? The flag is hard enough to get to as it is (that's one thing I never liked about antioch/kcliffs, it was WAY too easy to camp the flags). Yeah, there are extra entrances, but guarding the flag shouldn't be a simple task for 1 person. I'd also suggest adding more lights inside the castle. That was the other problem with the original map -- it was hard to see anybody once you got into the base.
I'm also trying to figure out what the point of the button driven doors is. It doesn't look like people can enter from that direction, so closing them really serves no purpose. The buttons themselves look pretty decent, though, compared to the buttons in most maps, although I don't know how well they fit the castle theme. Same with all the elevators.