Author Topic: Introducing PBCup Summer 2009 4v4 League  (Read 37071 times)


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Re: Introducing PBCup Summer 2009 4v4 League
« Reply #100 on: May 26, 2009, 11:09:35 AM »
When are you planning on having the next EuroPaint?  [Off-Topic]

Coming from the experience of the first PBCup, I'm even surprised we're letting euros play at all. Playing euros means setting up times to match people can rarely make resulting in either team not having their best lineup around (most often this is the American team since asking German's to play at like 3am there time is pretty absurd).

I'm almost positive every time we played euros in the original pbcup we had to play 3on4 because of the timezone issues. For any serious league, this is just stupid.

You guys should choose the most neutral time has possible, since most of the euro players are german, you should consider that. And althought this is organised by eR33t, this is PBCup, not just for americans but for the entire DP community available to play.

I believe you should set a time, and than teams will see if they can join or not. You are right, about some teams not being able to play, but lets try to work something out instead of putting euros on the side.


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Re: Introducing PBCup Summer 2009 4v4 League
« Reply #101 on: May 26, 2009, 04:45:57 PM »
"EuroPaint is an example of Euro-only servers being used, and plenty of Americans enjoyed these competitions." -Lekky

^^^yet when we run an American server only tournament all the Euros complain? Why cant they be the 'plenty of Euros' and enjoy our competitions.


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Re: Introducing PBCup Summer 2009 4v4 League
« Reply #102 on: May 26, 2009, 05:07:11 PM »
Because they win there competitions and they dont win ours o_O


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Re: Introducing PBCup Summer 2009 4v4 League
« Reply #103 on: May 26, 2009, 05:13:20 PM »
"EuroPaint is an example of Euro-only servers being used, and plenty of Americans enjoyed these competitions." -Lekky

^^^yet when we run an American server only tournament all the Euros complain? Why cant they be the 'plenty of Euros' and enjoy our competitions.

I was trying to defend the American standpoint. My point regarding you stil stands tho.

Its simple, a PBCup that contains both USA and European servers would do more to unite the Community, however, the organisers of the competition are all American, so therefore they can choose to hold only American servers if they wish, I won't blame them for doing that as it makes organising this thing so much easier.

But if anyone can incorporate both and make it a success, its er33t.


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« Reply #104 on: May 26, 2009, 07:48:10 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 11:50:02 PM by Dirty_Taco »


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Re: Introducing PBCup Summer 2009 4v4 League
« Reply #105 on: May 26, 2009, 08:25:31 PM »
I am not a racist. I am a realist. Folks who get up to go to work or school at different times than most North Americans and have different pings than most North Americans don't need to be  dictating servers and times in a North American sponsored event.

If you want an olympics-like global event then fly your international butts over here  and set up an olympic village.  Barring that I don't think there is much to be done about it.

This being a North American sponsored event it should cater to North American pings and North American times. 

And if it means I never get to compete internationally then I can live with that. I hate playing high ping matches. It holds zero appeal. It is not competition. It is an accomodation of a self-made handi-cap.

The best solution to the different pings is don't play each other.


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Re: Introducing PBCup Summer 2009 4v4 League
« Reply #106 on: May 26, 2009, 08:30:06 PM »
I think if others from around the world play, the rules should just say everyone must cater to U.S. time zones, unless both teams agree otherwise. If not, there'd be so many disputes of times that half the matches wouldn't get played in time.


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Re: Introducing PBCup Summer 2009 4v4 League
« Reply #107 on: May 26, 2009, 08:30:53 PM »
I think if others from around the world play, the rules should just say everyone must cater to U.S. time zones, unless both teams agree otherwise. If not, there'd be so many disputes of times that half the matches wouldn't get played in time.


« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 11:06:59 PM by m7feettall »


  • VM-68
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Re: Introducing PBCup Summer 2009 4v4 League
« Reply #108 on: May 26, 2009, 11:40:04 PM »
from what i read here, i have to agree with that:

This is where you are wrong.  You can call it PBCup all you want, you can talk as if you were eR33t, but this thing will never be anything like the PBCup Spring league of 2005. It will just be one of so many small tournaments.

(so why does everybody seem to care so much??)

Your tourney doesnt deserves the name PBCup.


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Re: Introducing PBCup Summer 2009 4v4 League
« Reply #109 on: May 27, 2009, 12:19:41 AM »
See this is why the bloody Home and Away system would've worked best.

Home = Home Time Zone, Home Servers, HOME EVERYTHING
Away = Away Time Zone, Away Servers, AWAY EVERYTHING

Although in this case it is the eR33t servers so it wouldn't make a difference, but the TIMEZONES would. 

I would also like to note that uhh, I'M SLEEPING or IM AT SCHOOL when it suits EURO and AMERICAN times so..... think, there are other people in the world that play this game, not just YOU.


That should end your little discussion about time zones, so get over it.  I can NEVER PLAY in a tournament without it being at a disturbing time for someone else.


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Re: Introducing PBCup Summer 2009 4v4 League
« Reply #110 on: May 27, 2009, 04:03:11 AM »
I am not a racist. I am a realist. Folks who get up to go to work or school at different times than most North Americans and have different pings than most North Americans don't need to be  dictating servers and times in a North American sponsored event.

If you want an olympics-like global event then fly your international butts over here  and set up an olympic village.  Barring that I don't think there is much to be done about it.

This being a North American sponsored event it should cater to North American pings and North American times. 

And if it means I never get to compete internationally then I can live with that. I hate playing high ping matches. It holds zero appeal. It is not competition. It is an accomodation of a self-made handi-cap.

The best solution to the different pings is don't play each other.

Now explain to me this please: Why on earth does this american cup deserve a private sub-forum?

It used to, because it was a worldwide, long-lasting cup. A cup that helped the clan scene.


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Re: Introducing PBCup Summer 2009 4v4 League
« Reply #111 on: May 27, 2009, 07:49:31 AM »
*bix waits for kyuuchi to make his own fabulous league*

Now explain to me this please: Why on earth does this american cup deserve a private sub-forum?

It used to, because it was a worldwide, long-lasting cup. A cup that helped the clan scene.

Hmm. Lets see. Xbain started PBCup and has allowed the sub-forums to again be used.

I don't really care for what the Euros have to say about the summer PBCup anymore. It is going to cater for North Americans. It is to help the American clan scene. The goal is for it to be long lasting. If this is successful the next season will probably include both European and American servers. Maga, please feel free to drop out if you are not happy with PBCup, as you do not seem very pleased.


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Re: Introducing PBCup Summer 2009 4v4 League
« Reply #112 on: May 27, 2009, 08:16:20 AM »
I'd rather it be called like North American PBCup or something though. The PBCup name should be reserved for any future truly global tournament! :D


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Re: Introducing PBCup Summer 2009 4v4 League
« Reply #113 on: May 27, 2009, 09:07:28 AM »
As you probably know, Xbain doesn't own the forums, so someone made this sub-forum for his cup :)


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Re: Introducing PBCup Summer 2009 4v4 League
« Reply #114 on: May 27, 2009, 09:21:42 AM »
And we are bringing that cup back.


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Re: Introducing PBCup Summer 2009 4v4 League
« Reply #115 on: May 27, 2009, 10:08:45 AM »
Nope not that cup. If the cup was like this in the first place I very much doubt he would have been given a forum. A cup thats not democratic at all, its not a worlwide cup and a cup in which you dont listen to anyone. Not the same cup at all mate.


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Re: Introducing PBCup Summer 2009 4v4 League
« Reply #116 on: May 27, 2009, 04:46:55 PM »
We had dedicated german translators in 2006 for every news post + all rules and there were still people who could not understand the match format or other rules that were different than the casual match standards. The player base has expanded since then and now it's not just DE and a handful of UK players, there are many more non-english speaking players from CZ, FI, FR who are not represented on this forum that will want to play too. It's no secret that there have been more european players than american players for a couple years now, why isn't anyone organizing more cups, ladders or leagues for that continent? There are probably enough czechs and germans to each run their own leagues/tourneys if someone would step up to the plate and DO it. Europe even has a couple competant and helpful server admins too. None of the EuroPaint threads were filled with complaints from americans who didn't want to play with high pings.

I'm really glad to see PureBlood and lekky organize an -- almost exclusively -- European tournament, because I always hated the guilt trip I received when trying to organize a segregated or NA-only PBCup.

Not much has changed... Since it's so easy to organize these things in the first place, why not just double the teams and exponentially increase the difficulty of running it successfully?

The ping difference is absurd to play with, people have seem to forgotten how much of an impact it really has. With two evenly matched teams, it will usually come down to who has the home server advantage. It's hard to be truly fair with home/away selections unless you're running a double round-robin, but how do you make tie maps fair for the playoffs?

As for time difference... some american teams don't start playing matches until 0200 CET on weeknights. They also aren't really in the mood to wake up hungover at 10am on a weekend to play their scheduled league match in the only timeslot they could agree on.


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« Reply #117 on: May 27, 2009, 06:34:28 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 11:49:45 PM by Dirty_Taco »


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Re: Introducing PBCup Summer 2009 4v4 League
« Reply #118 on: May 27, 2009, 07:22:08 PM »
See this is why the bloody Home and Away system would've worked best.

Home = Home Time Zone, Home Servers, HOME EVERYTHING
Away = Away Time Zone, Away Servers, AWAY EVERYTHING

What real-world sports  teams would agree to the following scenario?

For each round of the playoffs you will play three games.

In the first game a random team will play with mind-altering drugs delaying your reflexes for a fraction of a second.

In game two the other team will have the same drug induced delay.

In the third game the first team again will have the delay.

The winner is likely decided by who gets the random pick first. I doubt many teams would go for that.

Everyone is saying they want global competition. We would not really be seeing global competition.  Instead we would see teams take turns handicapping themselves. We would NEVER see a game where both can play their best simultaneously. What is the point?

If global competition is the goal then we have to admit it is an impossible one as things stand right now.


I would also like to note that uhh, I'M SLEEPING or IM AT SCHOOL when it suits EURO and AMERICAN times so..... think, there are other people in the world that play this game, not just YOU.

I  already referenced Australians playing. Who said you don't?

But if you can't get enough people in your region to set up servers and play the game then you are stuck with the drawbacks to playing on other people's servers. 


That should end your little discussion about time zones, so get over it.  I can NEVER PLAY in a tournament without it being at a disturbing time for someone else.

Why would that end the little discussion? Your DP life sucks due to ping and time. We get it.  So do what some Aussies have in the past. Get a server and get the Aussie community gaming.  And then we won't ask you to cater to us either. I would never dream of playing on an Aussie server.

Nope not that cup. If the cup was like this in the first place I very much doubt he would have been given a forum. A cup thats not democratic at all, its not a worlwide cup and a cup in which you dont listen to anyone. Not the same cup at all mate.

So ask for a Euro-cup Sub-forum and we will see.

As to it being democratic, since when do cups have to be democratic? Someone has to organize any event like this. Someone has to call the shots.

Why should they listen to you and bring on endless headaches that are not needed?

Why have global "competition" when we don't have the means to allow both teams to compete equally at the same time?

Now if those who favor international competition want to put up some money to test the idea they can rent the UK servers that Viciouz did and see if it is true that they ping around 100 for both Euros and Americans.

If so they could hold a competition for both.

It would cost about 5 British pounds a month to run two match servers:


  • VM-68
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Re: Introducing PBCup Summer 2009 4v4 League
« Reply #119 on: May 28, 2009, 12:35:24 AM »
im ok with a north american cup, but thats not the pbcup :/