Author Topic: [QeHs] 3v3 MiniCup  (Read 14051 times)


  • Stingray
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Re: [QeHs] 3v3 MiniCup
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2009, 12:26:13 PM »
trust me the french translation is terrible ^^......


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Re: [QeHs] 3v3 MiniCup
« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2009, 12:28:36 PM »
the following post is by blaa - but he is forum banned so i'll put forward his words::

Update! We think that 16 teams is a bit little too ambitious attempt, so we are going to go with 8 teams at first! 5 teams already registered so hurry up.
You can view the preliminary brackets here:
The seeds haven’t been done yet, just entered registered teams randomly.

Approximate time schedule, so players know what to expect: (ALL TIMES IN GMT THAT IS 1 HOUR EARLIER THAN IN CENTRAL EUROPE).
17:00 – start signing in in #team_qehs, by reporting that your team is online and willing to play to blaa, Magalhaes or Kyuuchi
17:45 – If some teams aren’t there, and lets say more than 8 teams signed up, then we invite one of the substitute teams.
17:55 – If 8 teams or less teams signed up and some of the teams havent signed in by now we eliminate these teams. I also start making seeds (I will do them random, I mothermeddling swear). Team captains will also get server logins (we only give it to captains, if some problems occur later, captain is responsible).
18:00 – First 4 matches – Round 1! We strongly suggest to eliminate the maps in irc. My experience from past tournaments is that you should make a channel in irc: lets say #team1_team2 and team captains and other members who captain finds useful will be there and eliminate the maps. Doing the elimininating fast helps us finish the tournament faster as well! Matches will be probably done around 18:35.
18:35 - Admins enter the results to brackets and pm the captains of teams their new server. Both Round 2 and Losers Bracket Round 1 will be played now.
19:10 – Losers bracket round 2 and round 3 (final game in winner bracket will be played)
19:45 – Losers bracket round 3
20:15 – Losers bracket round 4
~21:00 – FINALEEEEE, best of3!


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 233
Re: [QeHs] 3v3 MiniCup
« Reply #22 on: June 04, 2009, 12:32:34 PM »
two cups in same time -.-
btw: czech translation is bad too


  • Map Committee
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Re: [QeHs] 3v3 MiniCup
« Reply #23 on: June 04, 2009, 12:44:59 PM »
This german translation is a little bit better:

Termin: Diesen Samstag (06.06.09) ab 18:00 Uhr GMT, das ist 19:00 Uhr CET und 20:00 Uhr EET
Format: 3vs3, Double Elimination, 1 Map (Finale: 3 Maps)
Maplist: pbcup_2fort5, sphouse, forgotten_caverns, oth, propaint2
Regeln: 20min pro Spiel, die allgemeinen Matchregeln gelten (2 Paint, 1 Smoke, 60 Sek. elim, etc.).
Server: 4x UK, 4x DE (2x OTB, 2x Arctic)
Anmeldung: Das Turnier findet statt, wenn sich mindestens 8 Teams anmelden. Maximal wird es 16 Teams geben. Es können bis zu 6 Spieler in einem Team sein. Die Teams können frei zusammengestellt werden, das heißt die Spieler müssen nicht unbedingt zusammen in einem Clan sein.

Ok, gehen wir ein bischen ins Detail. Ich denke, der Termin muss nicht erklärt werden .. Format - 3vs3 wie gesagt. Pro Team darf ein Auswechselspieler auf den Server, die Server haben 9 Slots. Der letzte Slot ist für einen Admin des Turniers. Es ist nicht schlimm, wenn zwei Auswechselspieler auf dem Server sind, aber wenn ein Admin zugucken möchte, dann muss dieser zusätzliche Auswechselspieler gehen. Double Elimination - das bedeutet, dass man nicht aus dem Turnier ist, bis man 2 mal geschlagen wurde! Man kann also in einer Runde verlieren, aber trotzdem das Turnier gewinnen. Die Map wird jede Runde von den Teams selbst ausgewählt. Dabei fängt das Heimteam an, eine Map (welche sie nicht spielen möchten) aus der Maplist zu streichen. Danach streicht das Auswärtsteam eine Map. Dies wird dann wiederholt, bis nur noch eine Map übrig ist. Diese wird dann gespielt.

Warum diese Maps? pbcup_2fort5, sieht ganz gut aus und könnte in der Mitte recht interessant werden. sphouse - klassische Map. forgotten_caverns - diese Map ist relativ unbekannt, aber ich denke, dass es eine gute Map ist. Ich glaube auch, dass JeeJee ein sehr talentierter Mapper ist und es verdient hat. oth - ich würde lieber Rimini's cream nehmen, aber die ist noch beta. Vielleicht nächstes mal. propaint2 - nun, wir von QeHs mögen die Map und es ist mal was anderes, als immer nur propaint1.

Anmeldungen - Bitte hier im Thema bescheid geben oder eine Nachricht an mich, Kyuuchi oder Magalhaes senden oder uns im IRC anschreiben, dass ihr teilnehmen möchtet! Wichtig! Seid etwa 15 Minuten vor Beginn des Turniers im IRC Channel (#team_qehs). 5 Minuten vor dem Start werden die Paarungen ausgelost. IRC Turnier Channel: #team_qehs


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Re: [QeHs] 3v3 MiniCup
« Reply #24 on: June 04, 2009, 01:36:40 PM »
Server: 4x UK, 4x DE (2x OTB, 2x Arctic)

as its now 8 teams only - 2x UK, 2x DE (2x QeHs, 2x OTB)
may i say thanks for ur help terrorist :]


  • PGP
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Re: [QeHs] 3v3 MiniCup
« Reply #25 on: June 04, 2009, 02:05:09 PM »
Not homeran... root server hosted by server4you


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Re: [QeHs] 3v3 MiniCup
« Reply #26 on: June 04, 2009, 02:14:54 PM »
Tournament details:
Vrijeme: u subotu (06.06.09) od 18:00 GMT, da je 19:00 i 20:00 CET EET
Oblik: 3v3, duplo eliminacija, najbolji od 1, konačna je bo3.
Maplist: pbcup_2fort5, sphouse, zaboravljen špilje, oth, PP2
Match pravila: 20min po utakmicu, utakmicu i zajedničkih pravila primjenjuju. (2 nades, 1 dim, 60 sec oporavak, itd.).
Servers: Vjerojatno neki euro poslužiteljima.
Prijave: Ovaj turnir će se održati ako imamo minimum 8 ekipa. Maksimalno 16 ekipa se može pridružiti. Možete napraviti tim od maksimalno 6 slučajnih ili klanova igrača mogu igrati sa svih svojih članova.

Ok sada da se o svim gore u malo više detalja. Mislim vrijeme ne treba biti objašnjeno .. Format - 3v3 mi je rekao. Gledatelja - 1 po timu, kao poslužitelji imaju 9 utora. Jedini preostali mjesto je rezervirano za administratori iz čaše. Nije kazneno djelo, ako u imati 2 naočale za svoju momčad, ali ako je admin ljubazno zamoli da gtfo, onda biste trebali gtfo. Dupli eliminacije - to zapravo znači da se ne izlazi iz turnira dok ste bili premlaćivani 2 puta! Znači, možete izgubiti u prvom krugu, ali ipak osvojiti cijeli turnir. Best out of 1 znači da igraju 1 karta iz maplist i pobjednik tog sitea predujmova. Kako je da je karta odabrani iz Athose 5 u maplist? Easy, tim imenom drugo zagrada u prvi eliminira 1 karta iz mappool oni ne žele igrati, a zatim se odabere jedna druga momčad oni ne žele da igraju. Obje ekipe eliminisse 1 karta više i igraju peti preostale karte.

Zašto one karte? Pbcup_2fort5, izgleda kao lijepa kartu s intenzivnim akciju, sredinom području. Sphouse - Classical karti. Forgotten_caverns - Da, ove karte je relativno nepoznata sve ya, ali mislim da je dobra karta i JA isto tako misliti da JeeJee je vrlo talentirani mappe i zaslužuje imati MAPI n maplist. Oth - Biste zapravo ljubav za korištenje Rimini's vrhnje, ali je u beta fazi, tako da možda drugi put. Ovaj put ćemo koristiti oth. Propaint2 - Pa, mi na q kao kartu i dozvoljava imati neki odmor od pp1, OK? Poslužitelji.

Prijava - Molim ostavite post na ovaj thread ili pm me Kyuuchi ili Magalhaes IRC u kojem se kaže da želite sudjelovati. ! Važno! Checking in - Morat ćete provjeriti u ~ 15-ak minuta prije početka turnira. 5min prije starta i do para pa imati nekoga potpisivanja vaš čaj min kao ranije moguće. Tournament kanala - # team_qehs. Prijavite se događa tamo i govno.

I'll have to translate Croatian version into English.

Funniest excrement i ever saw.

Google translator ftw. :D


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Re: [QeHs] 3v3 MiniCup
« Reply #27 on: June 04, 2009, 04:05:34 PM »
psh, I'm still learning..

Jebem ti trudnu sestru na grobu mrtve majke dok ti bolesni stari drka na taj prizor!
Tahni do prdele, ty kurvo zasrana   
Dam ci szpryce z aidsem, bo masz syfa to razem będą kurwy chodzić
Ihre Mutter ist wie ein Staubsauger: sie saugt, bläst und landet dann im Wandschrank.   
Tapes-toi une queue et va niquer ta mère espèce de connard qui se lèche le cul chaque matin en fumant des gauloises pour le petit-déj'   
O teu olho do cú é tão grande que até uma nave espacial cabe lá dentro   

Getting better?


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Re: [QeHs] 3v3 MiniCup
« Reply #28 on: June 05, 2009, 12:54:04 AM »
Nice 1.

I see that that site with Croatian curses still works :)

Intranslatable to English.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 105
Re: [QeHs] 3v3 MiniCup
« Reply #29 on: June 05, 2009, 04:29:37 AM »
I can't believe it.

There weren't any cups in last time, but now there are 2 Cups in same time. Stupid Organizations.


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Re: [QeHs] 3v3 MiniCup
« Reply #30 on: June 05, 2009, 06:15:16 AM »
psh, I'm still learning..

Jebem ti trudnu sestru na grobu mrtve majke dok ti bolesni stari drka na taj prizor!
Tahni do prdele, ty kurvo zasrana   

O teu olho do cú é tão grande que até uma nave espacial cabe lá dentro   

Getting better?

That portuguese is soo cool, asked maga for help?


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Re: [QeHs] 3v3 MiniCup
« Reply #31 on: June 05, 2009, 01:14:48 PM »
Wow lekky, should have asked players to translate it actually. Looks horrible ;P


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Re: [QeHs] 3v3 MiniCup
« Reply #32 on: June 05, 2009, 04:47:01 PM »
How many teams signed up ?


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Re: [QeHs] 3v3 MiniCup
« Reply #33 on: June 05, 2009, 05:01:44 PM »
6 atm
u have till 15:00GMT tommorow to signup

Approximate time schedule, so players know what to expect: (ALL TIMES IN GMT THAT IS 1 HOUR EARLIER THAN IN CENTRAL EUROPE).

17:00 – start signing in in #team_qehs, by reporting that your team is online and willing to play to blaa, Magalhaes or Kyuuchi
17:45 – If some teams aren’t there, and lets say more than 8 teams signed up, then we invite one of the substitute teams.
17:55 – If 8 teams or less teams signed up and some of the teams havent signed in by now we eliminate these teams. I also start making seeds (I will do them random, I mothermeddling swear). Team captains will also get server logins (we only give it to captains, if some problems occur later, captain is responsible).
18:00 – First 4 matches – Round 1! We strongly suggest to eliminate the maps in irc. My experience from past tournaments is that you should make a channel in irc: lets say #team1_team2 and team captains and other members who captain finds useful will be there and eliminate the maps. Doing the elimininating fast helps us finish the tournament faster as well! Matches will be probably done around 18:35.
18:35 - Admins enter the results to brackets and pm the captains of teams their new server. Both Round 2 and Losers Bracket Round 1 will be played now.
19:10 – Losers bracket round 2 and round 3 (final game in winner bracket will be played)
19:45 – Losers bracket round 3
20:15 – Losers bracket round 4
~21:00 – FINALEEEEE, best of3!

all servers are hosted in germany
thanks to k3y and t3rr0r15t for donating servers


  • Autococker
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Re: [QeHs] 3v3 MiniCup
« Reply #34 on: June 06, 2009, 07:49:01 AM »
forgotten_caverns has been replaced for shazam22 this is because many (4 ppl) have so far got an error stopping them playing the map
we need 1 more team

#team_qehs for registration


  • Map Committee
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Re: [QeHs] 3v3 MiniCup
« Reply #35 on: June 06, 2009, 08:09:43 AM »
Reproducible error?


  • Autococker
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Re: [QeHs] 3v3 MiniCup
« Reply #36 on: June 06, 2009, 09:05:18 AM »
ok we have all the teams
we will randomize the matches
we are still taking teams

they will be reserve teams in case 1/2 teams dont show up


  • Autococker
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Re: [QeHs] 3v3 MiniCup
« Reply #37 on: June 06, 2009, 02:47:36 PM »
Congratulations to oxmoze for winning the cup
Runners up were Status Quo

we hope u had a great tournament and enjoyed it
we also hope that maybe we can do something similar to this another time
thanks for taking part


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Re: [QeHs] 3v3 MiniCup
« Reply #38 on: June 06, 2009, 03:09:44 PM »
For scores check:
Thanks to:
- T3RR0R15T and k3y for lending the servers,
- bitmate for scorebot,
- participants, without whom we wouldn't be able to run the cup.
Stay tuned, we may organise similar cups in near future if you wish!