Author Topic: Hudgun idle and run animation (no longer screen bob !)  (Read 1786 times)


  • PGP
  • Posts: 8
Hudgun idle and run animation (no longer screen bob !)
« on: June 04, 2009, 12:00:23 PM »
Hudgun idle and run animation (no longer screen bob !)

This feature would be cool.

Like in other games

The hudgun bobs when run, walk,crouch

when walk or crouch, animation would be slower.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 720
Re: Hudgun idle and run animation (no longer screen bob !)
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2009, 04:15:30 PM »
Hudgun idle and run animation (no longer screen bob !)

This feature would be cool.

Like in other games

The hudgun bobs when run, walk,crouch

when walk or crouch, animation would be slower.

By hudgun do you mean paintball gun(marker). That would be pretty cool like in cod when u start running u lower you gun, like you would in real life and the gun sways back and forth. These animations are not really needed but would be cool, but might effect aiming ability and would take alot of work for the paintballs because i think how it is set up now that the paintballs just fly out the middle of the screen, but if we make the gun move jitspoe will have to make it so when u shoot it will detect where the gun is and shjoot from the barrel


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 201
Re: Hudgun idle and run animation (no longer screen bob !)
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2009, 08:19:36 PM »
You obviously don't realize that the hand youe gun is in affects the aiming on the paintball robbie.

Also to be honest this doesn't do anything really helpful for the game besides make it seem real, when the last thing this game is from is real.