Author Topic: temp-banned  (Read 3249 times)


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 66
« on: February 21, 2006, 07:46:55 AM »
called gt's bluff on him having a demo of me wallhacking seeing as i don't even have any cheats on my comp and caught a nice little temp-ban for it. most of you have seen me play. if i hack i suck. i'd like to see the demo he claims to have.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 784
Re: temp-banned
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2006, 08:02:08 AM »
as there is a temp-ban topic now, I might address something I had asked in IRC before:

how do you remove a tempban? :)  Looks like I tempbanned somebody because his sister played and annoyed everyone on the server...


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 948
Re: temp-banned
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2006, 08:23:46 AM »
postmortem: guess Snipen isn't quite done, they haven't shown proof for any of the kicks/bans they have placed when they've posted on the forums, no reason for them to start now. This would be a good time to call a strike on Graffiti, but I doubt many people would leave those beloved servers quite yet. :/

At this time you can't remove temp bans, the only possible way is to reset the server instead. I thought jits said something about allowing you to remove them in build 16, yet perhaps that has changed.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 784
Re: temp-banned
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2006, 08:36:31 AM »
he will only suffer absence until wednesday or thursday... ;)


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 66
Re: temp-banned
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2006, 11:55:28 AM »
I took screen shots of the entire process of my banning. using [CC]Drunkard. I'll post the pics when I get back home to show that it was totally uncalled for. Server abuse?


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1173
Re: temp-banned
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2006, 12:10:15 PM »
Lmao, are you suprised? Snipen gets pissed when he is killed and bans people for that. Of course he would ban you for calling his bluff.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 66
Re: temp-banned
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2006, 12:52:46 PM »
yeah, i was surprised. I haven't been playing long enough to know that some admins were that big of kittys.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 66
Re: temp-banned
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2006, 02:12:14 PM »
kittys? wtf... no bad words to protect the little female doges on here?


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 66
Re: temp-banned
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2006, 02:13:23 PM »
excrement, Piss, intercourse, girl thingy, socksucker, Motherintercourser and Tits - George Carlin


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 242
Re: temp-banned
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2006, 02:24:46 PM »
Best thing to do is just keep quiet, complaining on the forums about it is probably the worst thing to do. Youll only be temp banned for a day or so if that, its not like there arent any other servers to play on. If you keep complaining youll get remembered by Snipen who will then continue to temp ban you.

When you get people like Skater on youre server its no wonder you start banning people. I dont see Snipen on here complaining when idiots go on his server winding him up.

Forget about it and hell forget about you.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 66
Re: temp-banned
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2006, 02:55:03 PM »
The problem with just ignoring it is that it will never change. I figured I'd bring attention to it so people realize whats going on and do something about it.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 242
Re: temp-banned
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2006, 03:54:25 PM »
Its been going on for years, people have tried to change it... unsuccessfully. My advice is only based on what ive seen in the past.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 66
Re: temp-banned
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2006, 03:57:41 PM »
agh, wish i could start a server. graf gets the best ping at my place or i'd just boycott. this is the only problem i've had with the admins so far. except for 2fast of course.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 72
Re: temp-banned
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2006, 05:35:58 PM »
lol....why does every one complain that the community needs to take care of the hackers....but the complain when they get banned? admitted that your ISP (your apartment complex) uses only 1 IP for 400+ users.  You said that only you and your roomate(s) play pball.  Snipen found your IP as the offending IP hacking.

Jits stated in another thread...if you get caught hacking, you will be excuses, no getting out of it.

This is what Snipen has done.  He banned your IP because it was the source of some hack (wall hack I think).  Now everyone in this thread is complaining because it is Snipen that banned you. folks need a reality check.

Post....Sorry that you are banned....whether you hacked or not, *YOUR* IP was found.  You got banned...whether it was for *you* hacking or you got caught in the wake of someone in your ISP hacking.

The fact is....Snipen has posted rules, and is following those rules (see the GT server's MOTD for rules location).

Jitspoe (or anyone else that knows).... If there is a way to ban based on MAC address, we could start doing it that way.  But from pball, there is no way to bah based on IP ban is the only way to take care of hackers.   Using this method, there may be other caught in the middle that are on the same IP or IP range.

Jitspoe...I brought this issue up about a year ago...did you happen to come up with some sort of solution for people that share the same IP or subnet?  people that are on DSL, dialup or cable? (reseting your modem can usually get you a new IP...banning the subnet/IP range gets other people banned)

Personally, I am getting sick of the people that come on the forums and complain about getting you think it is going to change the mind of the admins?  or change the minds of all the players to stop using xxxxxx server?

I am also sick of people jumping on the band wagon and adding to the complaints. quiet already......"omg....that just like snipen/GT admins" said that you have not been on GT servers in a while, but you like to refer to old behaviours as if they are current behaviours.

Skater....."omg...ban these haxors"....but you hacked your self, and female doged when you got banned.

GT server abuse has stopped....people are getting banned for legitimate reasons now.

You all need to grow up, and quit living in the past.

besides......ITS NOT YOUR SERVER.....  the admins can ban you for whatever reason the feel like.  the server rules are guidlines for what you can be banned for, and even include: you can be banned at any time for any reason.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 948
Re: temp-banned
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2006, 05:59:35 PM »
Derrek: I don't base things on the past, but how the past affects now. People have sent me sshots/demos of how the admins act, that is the basis of my decision to not go on there. Not because of how they acted in the past, but of now. Sorry if my previous post didn't depict that.

There are many other things people will not agree with, I'm unsure if GT has sent you here by way of representation, but if so, perhaps they have changed. Then again, maybe not. For now, let it be left at that, as I fail to understand why people go into Graffiti. You don't agree with what I've said, I've tried to clarify my point of view. Me=flame attractant. :(

"besides......ITS NOT YOUR SERVER.....  the admins can ban you for whatever reason the feel like.  the server rules are guidlines for what you can be banned for, and even include: you can be banned at any time for any reason. "

That sums up all you've said right there. And that is where many people have problems, but, so be it. It has already become obvious that nothing will change, so as of now I encourage people not to complain. As it never does anything. Even though it should. Sad, but true.

* P!nk goes into the corner and shuts her mouth.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 72
Re: temp-banned
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2006, 06:48:25 PM »
Pink...I was referring to the following:


Sandman: I'm well aware that Snipen's behavior has improved. I was actually referring to his previous decisions. No matter how much he builds his reputation up now, he is the best example yesterday of how not to act today as an admin.

As far as GT sending me to represent. NO.

Am I representing GT?  sort of....I am a clan member...and an admin.  I am speaking up on my own.  I have defended GT a lot in the last few months.  Not just because I have admin rights.  More because I have been working with Snipen to make the GT servers better for the community.  I almost quit GT a couple of months ago when I found out Snipen was coming back.  I have, instead, witnessed his behavior first hand.  I started seeing a huge change in the way he admins the servers.  So I seriously thought about it, and decided to remain with GT as there was great potential for GT to reclaim the name it had long time ago (or at least the way I saw GT when they first started...which may have been a naive view.)

I have also seen the way the admins have been treated, and how hard it can be to find the restraint *not* to ban someone for the abuse they throw at the admins.
Frankly, it is hard to have trust in anyone, when you see what kind of tricks people try to play on the admins:
From someone being best of friends with an admin, to treating them like poo for them being nice by nature.  The constant name changes (for obfuscation) or stealing another persons name.  People getting on vent (team speak) and causing general disturbances.  Even out right provocation in order to run to the forums to post what ever 'evidence' they may have that they were the 'victim' of admin abuse.(*** see below where I discuss multiple channels of communication***)
And all this came from people that I thought I respected.

I personally have not seen (in recent months) Snipen boot anyone for silly reasons or because he was being killed alot.  Mostly I have seen people get kicked for harassment, circumventing IP bans, being idle in a full server, or similar reasons.

Unfortunately, most of the people that got banned, and complained about it (to me and others), also communicated/harassed the admins through multiple channels(IRC, IRC pm, vent, pball, IM) and turned around and show me only part of what was going on.  Giving me the impression that they were in the right.  Later finding out what else they said (via the other channels), I found out that *they*, in fact, cause the issue in the first place. should consider what else might have been said that you were not aware of before deciding that 'Admin Abuse' has occurred.

Think about *why* you like to speak up if someone else gets banned.  You are not active on the GT servers.  You don't see, first hand, what is happening on the servers.  You really only have opinions based on previous experience, and what other people tell you.  Why is your opinion of value or even correct?
But, alas, we all are entitled to our opinions....aren't we?



  • Autococker
  • Posts: 948
Re: temp-banned
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2006, 07:10:03 PM » should consider what else might have been said that you were not aware of before deciding that 'Admin Abuse' has occurred.

Think about *why* you like to speak up if someone else gets banned. You are not active on the GT servers. You don't see, first hand, what is happening on the servers. You really only have opinions based on previous experience, and what other people tell you. Why is your opinion of value or even correct?
But, alas, we all are entitled to our opinions....aren't we?


Sigh, I knew not being in Graffiti would cause such problems. Perhaps I should stop talking about Graffiti, but I know what these guys have had to deal with. It sucks. They're getting the idea that they're the only ones that are willing to stand up to something they see as wrong. So I help in their defense a little, hoping others will make them realize that this topic has gone on for more than a moment, more than an hour.

People always say I should reread what has been said before I respond, I'm very aware of what is going on in Graffiti, more so than most. So now, what has been used positively is being used against me, I hoped it wouldn't happen, but it has. Telling is gossip, demos and sshots don't lie. I think what you mean is that the full experience cannot be fully understood unless one is there, but that can be said of any demo. Who is to say anyone hacked at all if they were never there? In fact, how are we to know the admins banned them for a good reason if we were not there at the very moment it proceeded? How could we ever try to wonder if a murder took place if we ourselves were not there to witness it? Even as proof is thrown in heaves at our doorstep.

It's of value to those that in their opinion find it of value, which is rather ironic, but seen everywhere nonetheless. How can any opinion be correct if it's just a person's view point. No view point is correct when you think about it. All of them are wound together to make a correct statement, but no one view point can ever be correct alone, only if it's supported by others as not merely an opinion, but as a thought process. So no, I cannot say my opinion is correct or incorrect, as how might one ever be able to judge their own opinion?

It would be best if I go back to Graffiti so this could not be used against me, I really don't see what we're arguing over at this point. There is really nothing left to argue over, other than this fellow guy's ban. Which makes everything opinion-based. A person's past actions always effect what they do now, if the past is forgotten then mistakes are done again, and again, hence I emphasized the past so it's never forgotten. Sorry if I didn's answer your specific questions, but getting to the core of a problem is often the best way to solve it.

Darn it, thought I could avoid getting involved in this type of thing anymore. No more after this.

edit: I've talked to the admins before. Until realizing there was really no reason. What am I going to do, change how they do things? Don't think so. They'd file me away as a whiner. The end. Perhaps that's what this is being viewed as now, though this isn't based on thin air. The public can have more impact then one person. That's pretty obvious. If I said how I know what's going on in Graffiti, that could be used against me as well. I think we have equal points in our favor, which is why there is no reason to continue this discussion. Definitely not posting again. I should of never gotten involved, and I apologize greatly for drawing the thread off-topic. Glad things worked out for you, Post.  :)
« Last Edit: February 22, 2006, 07:38:56 PM by P!nk »


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2807
Re: temp-banned
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2006, 07:13:49 PM »

The past cant harm you unless you let it.  Thats why I was so curious about your not playign on Graf, you have nothing to fear.

I'm very aware of what is going on in Graffiti, more so than most.
Really how so?  I think it would be best id you talked to the admins rather than talk about them. Just my adult 2 cents.


Thanks for saying what I find hard to.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 66
Re: temp-banned
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2006, 07:19:57 PM »
I posted this before I found out everything that happened. i've talked it over with gt and some others and believe i found out everything that happened. i was pissed for being accused of hacking when i never have so i wanted to say something about it. the end. i tried to delete this thread but couldn't. so.... yeah.