Edit: Homie, good cup, and also about that ff on reconnect, although I don't support reconnecting in matches that's why you had referees in match so they can judge wheather it was reconnect because of fear of recap or because of poor score. Overall, gj and gl on next cup.
I want to say some things to the point of reconnect:
Normally it's just stupid to reconnect, because everybody knows what you wanna hide: Your bad score.
But we are thinking of refining the rule of reconnecting. I would say, just if you want to prevent a respawncap, it would meant a FF for that Map.
Unfortunately, Rockie didn't know the rules, so it was a kinda stupid ff on their own Map. But all in all i hope, it was a nice Cup for you, and I would be happy if more Clans would sign up for the nex Cup. And otherwise it's hard to make them all happy. Either you are a good Looser, and you're showing the Team, who has won vs you, deference, like Edge or others did, or you act like a Bad Looser, and you're flaming and spamming to all, and saying that the cup was bad, like other did.