I could not understand the directions as they were in german?
Yes. It means:
Here is the first version from the new "Header SDK". It isn't final, but the photoshop file should convey the important things.
- The game-/sections-graphic need to be in one(!) own group, including all layers.
- There should be a dark background behind the ESL logo, because u can see the logo reflection better with it.
- A game model should overlap on the top side, but there need to be a distance from min. 1 pixel to the top.
- Nothing should overlap on the bottom side.
- Game logos should have a little distance the ESL logo.
- Do not edit the ESL logo.
- The header should have a background, game logo, game model -- keep it simple! Less is more!
- Turtle Entertainment need the photpshop file, before an ESL header can go online.