Robbie - Ask cameron if he still has one of Nick123 vs Nook 1v1ing on shock aimbotting before he got banned for it. It was halarious.
Wtf? I can't see it. I guess my computer can't open dm2 files. If there is any way I can do this, please help
put the file into the folder zimt gave u the path of. start dp -> play recorded demo -> choose the demo -> play
It was so FUN *edit send it to me
hacking makes your penis shrink. maybe this is why nicks is nonexistent. im saying you have no cok you halfwit.
Because mewa is the genius who knows exacly what nick was about to say right?
+1. Absolutely correct about that.
Ohh, I know why it didn't work. When I put it in the wrong folder I selected "Open with" and I clicked Internet so whenever I try to find it it doesnt work because its always trying to open it with the internet. Is there any way I can fix this?