Well, with my incredibly terrible GMT timezone knowlege, the slowest (latest) timezone is GMT -11, which is the Midway area. As soon as that timezone reaches the 30th of August, which the rest of the world should well be into Saturday, entries will stop being accepted.
As to Spook's post, I cannot disagree that this contest's theme was a joke, giving a lot of mappers almost no creativity to work with, but it was something that all the contestants (with actual submitted entries) dealt with, and I highly applaud their work. However, I can personally guarantee, the next contest's theme will be quite interesting, and will pose a challenge. You can expect a new thread created in a weeks' time completely organized and ready, revealing any information about the next contest.
As for Rick's sudden departure from the judges' circle, I cannot force him to stay, but I, as well as a lot of us, will say, it is quite rude and untimely to leave at such a short moment's notice, as well as it being the LAST day of the contest. An earlier PM to any of us would also have helped us quite a bit, as we would have to find a substitute. But either way, thank you for your help. If I don't recieve any word from you about continuing to judge in the contest, I will find a replacement, and giving the circumstances, I cannot guarantee a fair and unbiased judge.
If we had absolutely no choice, I would have disqualfied my own map and taken the judge's position, and would promise to give a fair rating, but seeing as the entries we have recieved are far too little, I will not do so.