Clan Newbreed has refused to add losses for ij and e-thugz. They may say that another person was playing for them but all players they played with were tagged up. They also refused during the match to tell us who they were, naturally they were probably the real clan members. Their third player who they claimed to vanity would not login the whole match. If you have any respect for any1 in this nB clan, lose it because they suck.
NFK, i would like you to prove to us with evidential SCREEN SHOTS that there were 3 players in the server with the tag [nB]. Until you give any proof to back your statements up, your word really means nothing. We did tell you who the players were during the match, go look at your demos and clearly me and shk played under our real names and told you that the other alias was vanity. In the past e-thugz lost to starz, s2k nB BaM and other small or under-rated teams, but did not add losses. Fact is DP is going to produce fake records in general. So you raging off in the forums wont settle anything and will just make you sound retarded. [e-thugz] also tried making a new record and failed at supposed to be… 13-7. Once they realized that they blew ass at dp, they continued 3iob’s old record.
Which leads to Delphi's quote.
His point is nB's record is somehow better than ethugz's/3iob's!
THATS A CRIME got it... viper newbie.
Clearly they are scared of having a team better than them, which we are. This is why they need to publicize everything they do, hoping to get some recognition. I kindly request that this thread is deleted considering there is not much of dp relevance besides ‘fake records’ which has been happening for a decade now.