1st, I have a question: If youre added to the ban list, what gets banned? YOur Paintball, your IP or what?
2nd is, that community shouldnt believe everything, Ive heard of some germans (I wont tell you the names,Lets just call them A,B,C and D) made a fake-cheat demo.
A,B and C hated D, so A called himself D and matched B while C was recording the match, then A(called D) started to cheat, what was on the demo of C.
NOw A,B and C could run around and give every1 the Demo what shows "D" using cheats..
NOw who would you believe, 3 Players with a Demo or just 1 player who says hes not a cheater?
I dont exactly know what happened to the players, but D Is still playing just under another name cause every1 believed A,B and C and just called D a cheater.
Now with tthe Ban-List, D could get banned without any reason..
that wouldnt be very great..
So I just wanna tell you to believe only what you have seen with your OWN eyes, not even on a Demo or something...
SOrry for all the spelliong mistakes I made:D
EDIT: I just wanna say that L did nothing special