Lately (this summer), every time i play I get no satisfaction of it. Let's face it - my clan loses more than it has won during the last year or so, and more and more times I am negative in matches. Now, it is pretty frustrating, I'm negative against guys who just started when my activity was at its peak, I was playing a lot, my clan was winning a lot. And now those guys are milking me like im a darn cow.
Since i was pretty much dead for dp scene 2008spring until the start of this year (the ball speed changed 2008 start) i have heard that the older players still aren't quite used to the ball speed. Now I don't believe in this theory myself, it might have some effect, but not this dramatic.
Picture this. A normal match in a normal map. We are trying our hearts out. Shooting constantly, reconing as good as we can, etc etc. Let's take propaint1 catwalk for an example. Lets say i grabbed the flag and the only opponent is his grass, trying to shoot me. He hits me as soon as im about at the middle of the catwalk. Same situation, but at the vice versa. He is trying to cap on me, but im shooting, but maaan, he still caps on me. Don't get me wrong, my aim is not that bad, sometimes I look at my demos to see if my aim is that off, its not.
Is it ping? The best ping I get is ~75. Its the same in arctics/otbs. The rest of the euro clan scene pings 20-50. A few others ping higher (up to 80). 75 ping is not bad, could that make a huge difference?
I know I haven't been as active as the current leading players, but come on, you don't lose your aim that quick. And even if I havent been playing dp, i have been playing other games (wsw, ql). I seriously doubt that those games with DM guns would affect my aim that much. Sure, after playing wsw for a weekend I try to hit my enemies to their feet for first couple of minutes but thats it...
My point? My point is that have others experienced this "higher ping" bad "luck" as well? Because right now, low pingers hit "over the average" shots 7 times out of 10, while I can do that 2 times out of 10 times. Im that bad?