So far the idea of server side interpolated hit boxes seems great. Just a few things that came across my mind:
1. I don't see the reason behind keeping the old hit boxes as well as the interpolated ones, because the client only sees the interpolated ones. So the actual person shooting will not notice the changed hitboxes because they will infact be more accurate. Someone explain to me the neccessity to keep both the old and the new.
2. If you do keep the old and new hitboxes, does this mean its possible to hit a player in 2 different spots. If so that should not be possible.
3. I basically figured out that what the client sees is not the actual position of the player along time ago, and although I thought it was due to differences in fps, I managed to figure out ways to use speed to run through lines more efficiently. Hopefully running through lines will be more then just getting lots of speed on ice jumps now
+1 for interpolated hitboxes
- Cusoman