This is the only application that I have down time in, period. What can we conclude from this?
Its not my isp or my connection between servers.
I do very frequent traceroutes and never have a problem untill I join a server and wham I'm PJin like as if I was using dial up and got kicked from the host server. While this is happening I run a traceroute to the server with no packet loss or server timeouts (nodes timing out) .This is done both through MS-DOS and Neotrace.
While I understand the complexity of troubleshooting something like this. I need to mention this.....
I was told by other q2/4 WOD devolpers (after reporting this) that its very possible that I am being flooded like a POD or DOS by some POS. I asked if this is so, then why do all other internet apps work?
Your thoughts?