The Spreedshirts have provide Digital Paintball mappers an exciting chance to show their talent!
The Mapping Contest begins from the time of this message being posted until September 30th 2009
The rules are as follows:
There is no limit on the amount of entries
Contestants may map in pairs or teams
Custom content is allowed but not separately judged
The maps MUST be be based upon the contest's theme
Maps must have been started after the contest began
The entries will be judged on:
Aesthetics: How good does it look?
Gameplay: How well does it play?
The theme for this contest is:
Prizes are 1st place dp shirt 2nd place a shirt with a paintball splated on it
If you plan on entering, please post your nick, a method of contact (IRC/XFIRE/MSN/AIM), and optionally the name of your map.
Now go, and map !!!