About tutorial's format: either .dm2 or .avi, right? dm2 preferable for it's small weight, but you can't add sufficient info (eventually cprints, but cant add pictures, huh?[or save a picture and use it as a crosshair, quite neat]), while avi takes much of space (assuming quality is high enough for people to see what's going on in tut) and I'm positive jits is trying to make the game weigh as little as possible, but at least we could add interesting stuff in avi. What I'd love to see is .dm2 to .avi exporter, so that "planned" tutorials wouldn't have to be recorded in fraps, something similar to AprQ2 feature (which I heard has .dm2 to .avi exporter). Question is, would it be possible to import this feature from AprQ2 to pb2? I don't know much about it.
As for dm2 tutorial, one should record it with standard settings, that is fov 90 and crosshair 1. I might try to do so, but as for now I really have little idea of what to record within dm2 range.