Don't understand how 3iob refuses to play vF half the time saying we hack... yet they are SOOO much better? Hmmm. Get your logic straight allstar. Also, the odd time you do play us we aren't allowed to play Prolandr cause we'll cap you 100 times, but you pick antioch2 and your excuses for sitting on flag is 'Shockwave is just sitting on trees mid lmfao why would we rush?'. Not saying 3iob is bad or anything, you guys are good I just don't see how your saying vF shouldn't be 2, and your putting your team 1. In vF i'm pretty sure we've beaten you guys as much if not more then you've beaten us.
1- vF/3iob
2- s2k
3- Meth
4- [ b ] / Ij
5- vS
6- xP
hmmm is that really all the clans? I'm pretty sure there is a couple other clans... Also i've never seen xP ? I just put them last cause Shep did.
HAHAHA, forget what I said earlier, THAT made my day.
Pretty sure my clan has destroyed you in every single clan you've been in, which has been how many in the past year myers? 10? 11?
"3iob refuses to match vF" hahahaha, we don't refuse to match, we just don't spend all day on our computers like you and shockwave do, I think summit got the hint that this game is beat, you haven't yet seeing that you're on ventrilo all day chatting it up with your homeboys OnTiC and ShonaXoXo. "O MAn JiGSaW wuz oN mIRC aLL daY tODay He NeVeR lefT his ComPUTeR y duz He haVe To MakE Fun OF mE fOR CoMIN oN miRC AnD DP aS SoOn as I GETt OFf ScHooL aNd fOr beinG ON aLL WeEkenD LoNG WhEN I ShoULd Be GetTtin GiRLfRieNDzzzLOLOlalaoOllOl" <-
Sorry broski!!!!!!! I don't change my mirc name to the thing i'm doing every second like you do. MyeRz|eatin MyeRz|sleepin MyeRz|dancin MyeRz|ventrilo MyeRz|happy MyeRz|soccergamebro MyeRz|9oclockismybedtime. Thankfully you learned how to do /whois /whois now, so you can check. I hope you come back to this saying OH YEAH BRO I DO CHECK IT ALL THE TIME AND IT SAYS YOUVE BEEN IDLE FOR 10 SECONDS EVERYTIME MAN.
I wasn't the only one who put my team #1, others put my team #1 for a reason, obviously because you're WORSE than us, and we're BETTER than you. I think you're just upset that you have a website for this game and bought servers. I play this game like 4-5 times a week, if that, and that's when we match. darn bro you beat 3iob with gwb and mr skippy pants nfk, and the lagosaurus rex dude.
But, it's alright Myers. My clear hr4's are better than yours, and always will be. Thanks.
This was for DuDe, Zimt, and all the other GANGTZuSTuzZZ on mirc.