vf has asked for 3s and 4s before many times and 3iob has refused because i have clear walls and know where everyone is blah blah blah and everytime we ask for a match there is a fight. Jigsaw and dystro will always say "no prolandr, no airtime, no maps you guys are good at cause thier clear only reason you beat us there all the time, no CAPPED base maps no this no that blah blah blah". Even s2k is starting to refuse to play us now. Like seriously grow up (mainly 3iob) this game has a detection system for hacks am i not right? All i know is 3iob will probably stop crying when this build 30 or whatever comes out and maybe we can do some 3v3's and 4v4's without the "LOL TOLD U JIGSAW", or the "LMFAO SHOCKWAVE!" Just take a minute and think about it... Maybe someone is just better then you
Listen to you, aren't you such a cute little guy.
We don't play you on prolandr because it's MODIFIED due to REAVER, who gave them to YOU.
We don't play AIRTIME against you because its MODIFIED due to whoever, one of you little kids.
The worst part about it, is when you do lose against us, which is every time, you get so upset because you can't even beat us, cheating or not. It's not our fault we can tell what maps you have modified and which you don't, you just rush on the maps you have modded, and camp in base looking at flag when that map isn't modded, we're not stupid.
Amazing how the Americans take this thread so seriously. It's just a thread guys, take your flame wars to IRC or something.
I take none of these kids serious.
If I was really pissed off about this, I wouldn't be talking to jitspoe in pm's, I would be screaming it in this thread. Thanks.
Lol just admit vf is good clan and vF/3iob is the same to oxz/kuc they wont play vs us reason: kid.
Sorry for english =')
I'm sorry about your english too, but they're nowhere near, and never will be close, to being as good as us. I feel stupid bragging over being the best on some free game, but it's true.
I wouldn't talk excrement if I couldn't back it up.