IN GERMAN:[18.01.2010 18:55:44] ic3y: gg?
[18.01.2010 18:55:52] FrEaKiI: was??
[18.01.2010 18:56:01] ic3y: just laughing
[18.01.2010 18:56:37] FrEaKiI: was?
[18.01.2010 18:58:16] ic3y: Cheater on the wall ?
[18.01.2010 18:58:52] FrEaKiI: was???
[17:15:47] FrEaKiI: hi
[17:16:13] ic3y: yep
[17:16:29] FrEaKiI: und was hast du für probs?
[17:17:25] FrEaKiI: ic3y?
[17:19:29] ic3y: was für probs lol
[17:20:26] FrEaKiI: problems
[17:20:51] FrEaKiI: findest des doch sicher amüsant
[17:21:08] ic3y: wie du versuchst dich raszureden
[17:21:09] ic3y: ja
[17:21:17] ic3y: das du 64 tage gebannt bist
[17:21:18] ic3y: ja
[17:22:00] FrEaKiI: cool gell jetzt biste mich endlich los,kannst ja mit nils un oli ne party feiern (party)
[17:23:33] ic3y: tu ich auch, trotzdem danke
[17:28:31] FrEaKiI: viel spaß
[17:48:05] ic3y: starkes copy & paste
[17:48:08] ic3y: nur so btw
[17:48:23] ic3y: das sind englisch sprachige Spieler
[17:48:28] ic3y: die verstehen kein deutsch
IN ENGLISH:[18.01.2010 18:55:44] ic3y: gg?
[18.01.2010 18:55:52] FrEaKiI: what?
[18.01.2010 18:56:01] ic3y: just laughing
[18.01.2010 18:56:37] FrEaKiI: what??
[18.01.2010 18:58:16] ic3y: Cheater on the wall?
[18.01.2010 18:58:52] FrEaKiI: what??
[17:15:47] FrEaKiI: hi
[17:16:13] ic3y: yep
[17:16:29] FrEaKiI: and what have you for probs?
[17:17:25] FrEaKiI: ic3y?
[17:19:29] ic3y: what probs lol
[17:20:26] FrEaKiI: problems
[17:20:51] FrEaKiI: surely find the amusing
[17:21:08] ic3y: how you try you make excuses
[17:21:09] ic3y: yes
[17:21:17] ic3y: that you're banned for 64 days
[17:21:18] ic3y: yes
[17:22:00] FrEaKiI: cool, now you can make a party with nils(orfetus) and oli(painke)
[17:23:33] ic3y: I do too, thanks anyway
[17:28:31] FrEaKiI: have lots of fun
[17:48:05] ic3y: strong copy & paste
[17:48:08] ic3y: just btw
[17:48:23] ic3y: the players are English speaking
[17:48:28] ic3y: They understand no German