alias +mr "hand 0;+moveright"
alias -mr "-moveright"
alias +ml "hand 1;+moveleft"
alias -ml "-moveleft"
alias +mu "hand 2;+forward"
alias -mu "-forward"
alias +mb "hand 2;+back"
alias -mb "-back"
alias +at "+attack"
alias -at "hand 2;-attack"
bind "UPARROW" "+mu"
bind "DOWNARROW" "+mb"
bind "LEFTARROW" "+ml"
bind "RIGHTARROW" "+mr"
replace uparrow...rightarrow with your own movement keys. This script will use middle hand when u are moving straight, left hand when moving right, right hand when moving left.
Haven't noticed some huuuuuuuge improvement witht this script (used it for some months now), but it makes some sense. because other games with similar guns like dp guns have this built into the engine. (quake plasmagun etc).