This time it's 3v3 CTF with maps we assigned beforehand!
Date: 13th March
Time: 16CET (10amEST)
Format: Double Elimination, best of one
Server settings: Timelimit 20, scorelimit 50.
Map list:
Winners Bracket:
1st round: pbcup_2fort5
2nd round: duck
3rd round: moonlit2r1
Losers Bracket:
1st round: propaint1
2nd round: shazam22
3rd round: pbcup_renoir
4th round: castle1
Grand Finale: bo3, each team selects one map out of these 7, if it comes to tie, they eliminate maps until 1 remains (LB starts eliminating out of 5 maps remaining)
Servers: Most likely ic3y's servers
Teams: Up to 8 teams can join up. You don't need to have every team made up out of same clanmembers, you can just make up a team with a person you like. Or multiple teams per one clan.
If you want to join then just PM me or whoever from qehs, give your teams name and players in that team.
Registered [8/8]:
q, kuc, -TrA, fwe, fr4g, s2k, fwe|a, baz
Approximate Time Schedule:
15:50 - Deadline to join #team_qehs. If you haven't joined by then, your team is out.
16:00 - WB1
16:30 - WB2, LB1
17:00 - WB3, LB2
17:30 - LB3
18:00 - LB4
18:30 - Grand final