Author Topic: The Zoogooz Hackusation  (Read 23734 times)


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 343
The Zoogooz Hackusation
« on: April 12, 2006, 11:21:05 PM »
You'll get a 2nd chance don't worry. This community is known for not caring about hackers. Look at ganja and zoogooz.. Blatantly wallhacking for the last 3 years. Oh and please RR members (oj, herron) save your bullexcrement. I bet gwb never hacked too, right? hah.. clowns


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 235
The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2006, 12:09:46 AM »


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 343
The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2006, 12:29:23 AM »
it's ok herron. gwb and zoogooz don't wallhack. and ip never beat RR 7 times.

It's all our imaginations.
Running wild


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 235
The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2006, 01:04:40 AM »
So I was just going to let it drop, that's why I deleted my first post, but you seem determined to egg it on for some reason.  I'm not really sure why though.

Original post:  Apparently I'm getting dragged into this because I don't think that demo showed ZoogooZ hacking.

As for all the other stuff you said, I know nothing about anyone in RR hacking.  That's the truth, and you can believe me or not.  I don't particually care either way, but I'd rather not have my silence give the impression that I agree with what you're saying.  Hell, people used to say you, Crazed, and Ganja hacked all the time too.  Doesn't feel too good does it?  Or maybe you just don't care, which is the way you should feel, but it still doesn't give people the go-ahead to just start spouting crap about you.  So before you go bringing up pointless garbage about me being in RR and therefore I'm covering up for the 'hackers'... seriously... wtf man?

As for the RR v iP matches, do you really think I care about that? LOL.  That is such old news and it matters less than nothing!  I didn't even play for RR back then, I was the only HPB and I was still HPB by the time RR quit playing altogether.  I'm sure I played a few 'token' maps, but for the most part the only thing I did was observe like one map every two weeks and record a demo.

So I don't know what you're talking about with the whole 7 wins thing... perhaps you're alluding to the rr webpage that I made 5 YEARS AGO... WITH SCREENSHOTS FROM 1 YEAR PRIOR TO THAT, WHICH WERE SENT TO ME SECONDHAND.  If that's what it is... wow... I don't even really have a response, other than pointing out that you're bringing up stuff from 6 years ago.

I think you're just pissed that Gibb posted my comment in the rust channel topic (which I don't even go in, btw) and so you're attacking me because I was in RR with Zoo.  Whatever floats your boat I guess.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 343
The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2006, 01:21:45 AM »
People said that because I was better then them. Not because they were valid accusations. ZoogooZ is clearly not better then me, with or without a wallhack. Also, the accusations against zoogooz were made when we had a hefty lead. That's NEVER happened with accusations towards me. It's always because I'm (or eR33t) up by 45 points, and there's clearly no other way to do that without hacking..? To be honest I didn't read the rest of your post after that part.

PS - I called zoogooz's wallhack before the match even started. I've been watching him play for the last 2 years and he's 100% blatant with it. I would honestly bet my life on him wallhacking. It's pretty much a fact, if you've been matching against him within the last 2 years. Of course the people who say he doesn't hack are all the people who don't even play anymore. The oldschoolers who think they know everything about DP. Yeah, he didn't hack back then. Yeah he was good back then. Times have changed. I really don't care if a single person believes it, not on here to convince people that he hacked. To be honest, people hacking makes the game more interesting for me, seeing as how our last 200 matches have been total jokes involving 0 challenge. And people, eR33t doesn't care about the loss.. we care about the hacker. We lost once in like 8 months, and we're angry? You people lose daily. It's a game. Get over yourselves and come to the realization that the accusation was not made because of a loss. xb knows we own them, everyone in DP knows we own xb, it's not a big deal.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2006, 09:40:23 AM by digi »


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 235
The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2006, 01:49:06 AM »
Fair enough.  I was basing my opinion solely on the one demo of half a map of hellsurv because that's all that is available to me and I was under the initial impression that the demo was supposed to be an end-all-be-all showing him hacking.  But now I see that there's a backstory, and I know how weird stuff adds up over time to give one impression or the other.  That's cool, I wasn't there for any of these other times so I can't even comment on them (even possible stuff happening earlier in that particular match), and I think you're right about how you'd have to know all sides of the story.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 485
The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2006, 04:57:32 AM »
And people, eR33t doesn't care about the loss.. we care about the hacker. We lost once in like 8 months, and we're angry? You people lose daily. It's a game. Get over yourselves and come to the realization that the accusation was not made because of a loss. xb knows we own them, everyone in DP knows we own them, it's not a big deal.

Today in eR33t´s topic in IRC:
* Now talking in #team_er33t
* Topic is 'Team eR33t [Their Record] xb = $ecUred 1-42 record vs eR33t.'
* Set by digi

Say you dont care about the loss. Im not saying that zoogooz is innocent or guilty by that. Those times you have lost a map against us (or others) you HAVE ALWAYS claimed about something. It always was your high ping, a "crappy server" (which wasnt true at our matches. you just made that up because you pinged high) or an opponent of you hacking. So why shouldnt you just have accused him because he was simply better / as good as you? I bet he had the highest scores in his team during that match. P out.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 343
The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2006, 08:13:51 AM »
Herron - ;)

I'm not too worried about him being caught this time, because yeah the demo isn't really much. You had to be there. Zoo should just be happy we weren't on a pbcup server where it'd autodemo him because I'm certain he would get banned. But oh well. Maybe this will be an eye opener to him to stop hacking. =) Either way works.

Playah - Get your story straight, idiot. Our topic says that because now that xb beat us, they said they're never matching us again. Also, you don't even know who set that topic.

lol @ "an opponent of yours hacking"
Who have I ever accused of hacking before this?
Clipz? Yeah. and my demos exposed his blatant wallhack.
No one else.
Shut up, thanks.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 343
The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2006, 08:46:13 AM »
lol @ us turning this thread around.
oh well.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 329
The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2006, 09:47:43 AM »
Totally kind of jumping in here, but zoo diddn't have the best score on his team.. that was oddjob (and no one accused him of anything).


  • Committee Member
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The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2006, 10:57:13 AM »
I havent been playing in a month. I havent posted in a while why does my name still come up? How to solve this problem? Get rid of er33t, nothing else is a problem... there always in the mix.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 110
The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2006, 11:44:26 AM »
Digi the reason why xb wont match you isnt the fact that we dont want to lose to you, its the fact that you guys, basically you and bob act like complete jackasses during the match as seen by the demo that pierce recorded during our map of hellsurvivors. Speaking of which I have demos of my own that I took during that match and in several instances where pierce claims he is hacking, I see what zoogooz sees and its pretty clear that he knows where you guys are cause you were spraying giving away your position and you stood up, anyway.
Maybe if you guys grew up and didnt act like complete asses towards people and dont call us newbies when you guys lose, cause I know for a fact that I have been playing longer than you. We would match you, but whats the point of matching when you are just going to piss and moan and say LOL or ROFL everytime we kill you, is it because you are suposedly better than us? maybe but you guys lost that match for yourself, even if zoog was hacking, it wouldnt have made a difference.

and as for me being in RR and knowing/thinking zoogooz and gwb were hacking, I have no idea if that was true cause I never knew. I also have never hacked in my life. I appreciate what you said blitz, cause I was the kill leader for the whole match.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 343
The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2006, 11:49:33 AM »
Oj: How many times did I speak out of mm2 that match? 0? 1? Good answer idiot. I really want to see this 'excrement talking' because if you were actually thinking with your brain right now instead of your newbie instincts trying to defend your newbie teammates you'd realize I didnt excrement talk that whole match. Only things I MAY of said out of mm2 were "=)" or "nice". Give me a break. I cant even believe you said that. lmfao. People complain I talk excrement all the time, then when I clearly dont say a word, it's still OMGZ DIGI WUTZ UP DOODZ STOPZ TALKIN excrementZ. You're a joke.

Make up more excuses please. They make me laugh.
How come no other clans complain about us talking excrement all match?

Oh, and you said "we dont have our good players on" when I asked you for a match, then you go play ch1ll 5 seconds later.. So I guess your good players can handle the excrement talking, but you newbies cant? I thought it wasn't because you didn't want to lose? You're a tool dude. Completely ridiculous. Think before you speak next time.

PS - Yeah bob says "lmao" sometimes. Big deal. You can clearly put him on ignore within a split second of your time if it actually bothers you, which it doesn't. You just need another excuse to match GT every day without feeling like a newbie.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 110
The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2006, 12:03:45 PM »
I know you guys are pretty much the only clan that will beat us on a regular basis. We will match you guys again, on the same maps, without zoogooz, next week sometime as I wont be around this weekend. As long as I can convince everyone else we will match you again. And I am sorry, you werent saying stuff in mm1, and you make a good point with the ignore command, I definatly forgot it existed. If you guys treated everyone the same way you would want to be treated, I know that is like a kindergarden saying, but its true, im sure that more clans including us will match you. And as for playing clans like GT, it goes both ways, how many times did you match yesterday against much weaker clans? I think I saw twice, once with dop and once with real I believe.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 343
The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2006, 12:10:23 PM »
How are those weaker clans? dop would destroy gt. Dop is pretty much the only clan that has given us some challenge in the last little while (despite their cheap tactics). As for 'real', they aren't a weak clan. Haze and rashpal are good players. Moreso then most of this game.

And really, what do you want us to do? Clans that we WANT to match say NO within a split second. It's either take what we can get, or never play dp at all. Never match. It's totally different on your end. We WANT to match you, ALL the time. How many times have you turned me down? 90? lol. Same goes for pretty much every other clan. Krew pretty much refuses to play us like you guys do. ch1ll as you can tell would rather match you then us aswell. (you saw me ask them 15min before you, then you ask and they go play you 5 sec later.) There's really no one else. GT refuses... I cant even think of anymore. That's pretty much all of DP right there.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 343
The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2006, 12:25:46 PM »
Oh and oj I dont care if you use zoogooz. He won't hack next time after being this close to being caught. I still know he was hacking. He knows we know. So I'm pretty sure he won't do it again. Atleast not vs us.

He doesn't need it anyways. He was a good player.
Sad to see that he's still hacking since krew. Too much time with ganja.

PS - BAIN ADD AUTODEMO TO CH1LL SERVER. I think it should be added to every match server. GT, aB, whatever. It would've solved this so quickly. Midnight was 50x worse and more blatant then hellsurvivors.


  • Map Committee
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The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2006, 01:37:23 PM »
Three points to be made

1.) As Digi pointed out, the accustions on zoogooz did not come out of nowhere. We've suspected him of these activities since he was in krew. We've never had any substantive demos of him doing it. The demo we currently have isn't that great, but if one knows how wallhackers play, both smart and dumb wallhackers, one can easily see whats going on.

2.) Accusing zoogooz of wallhacking did not originate from our loss (refer back to point 1). However, our loss is probably what provoked me to go out and say it publicly. This was a bad move, I shouldn't have said anything until s8n's video was finished. To support this point, the first time we accused clipz of wallhacking was after TnL beat us. 2 weeks later we exposed his blatent wallhacking. The fact that they beat us was due to his wallhack (and camping + impact grenades). Of course, before we exposed him, no one believed us and thought we were just saying it because we lost.

3.) Being an 'authority on discovering wallhackers.' This is a very shaky point. It is considerably hard to define who is an authority on pointing out wallhackers because we have no provable criteria with which to define authority on the subject. All we can say, is who has had more experience at doing it. (This of course doesnt mean they're better at it or what have you, but it is a truth that they've had more experience).

Given these propostions, I have had a lot more experience learning how wallhackers play not only when they're blatently wallhacking (not trying to hide it) and when they are trying to hide it. To give a more solid estimate of just how long I've been doing this, I began reviewing peoples demos, demoing people etc back when sR (ShadowRealm) was considered by all a hacking clan. I have learned just about every little subtle thing wallhackers do. Also, just so theres no confusion, I have been doing this since the time of shadowrealm's existence, which means i was doing it during the era in dp before the global ban list was instantiated (when wallhacking was EXTREMELY prevalent i.e. krew which zoogooz & clipz were in). Most of the old schoolers that have posted in this thread were not active during this time.

Given these truths, I have had much more experience then just about everyone who has opposed me on this topic (most of the old schoolers who took years off, gibb, herron etc) and, probably, more than anyone who has agreed with me.

Now, with dumb wallhackers, one does not need experience to point them out. Clipz was a tradeoff between a dumb wallhacker and one who tried to hide it. You can see these people staring through walls and things of this nature. GaNja, for example, was the epitome of a dumb wallhacker.

ZoogooZ is a smart wallhacker. He knows how to not make himself look obvious. However, like anyone who cheats they do very subtle things that they cannot avoid, regardless of their intelligence. With smart wallhackers, when they do obvious things, these things can also be explained in terms of recon or conincedence (however, given inference to the best explanation they are usually explained better in terms of a wallhack). But, with how many people oppose me on this topic, i know that inference to the best explanation will not be sufficient for proving anything. To give some examples, the scene where zoogooz sprays the wall in the exact spot my teammate is hiding behind can be explained by appealing to coincidence (oh he was already spraying and accidently sprayed the wall). Or when he goes under the bridge and has his client staring directly through the bridge at where blitz is camping, then pops out and basically one shots him can be explained in terms of voice recon (again i think both are better explained in terms of a wallhack).

However, not spraying when anyone else would be spraying, cannot. This is a very shaky point because its extremely hard to define strictly 'would someone be spraying here' without a lot of experience on the map. To make it more simple, i ask you to consider the following subjunctive conditional where S refers to our subject, zoogooz, and P refers to his position on the map.

If S had been at P, S would have been spraying.

Now keep this conditional in mind the entire time while watching the demo (instead of just reading our teams message mode 2 and not watching zoogooz like many people i.e. herron did). For me, the most obvious part of the demo is when zoogooz is sitting in the middle staring at the wall directly in front of him (as opposed to down one of the routes) while i have a teammates coming from both routes to the middle. He never sits and sprays either route, just waits till they come into the field of view with the wallhack then kills them. Not spraying a route that anyone else would spray (without a wallhack) cannot be explained in terms of voice recon or conincedence. No one would sit in mid, without spraying, while digi has the flag, and allow digi a second longer to begin shooting and be moving at the same time. Digi would win 9 times out of 10, unless whomever is wallhacking.

Now, I wanted to save all of this for the post which included s8n's video of zoogooz, but since everyone forced me to post the demo (which was really my fault for stating it publicly) i had to do it here. I hope everyone who looks at this thread reads every word of this very carefully and doesnt just stop after the first paragraph and write some idiotic reply.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2006, 04:08:12 PM by Dirty_Taco »


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 235
The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2006, 02:47:58 PM »
Not to start some huge flame fest, but I did WATCH ZoogooZ... not just read your mm2 the entire time.  That would kind of defeat the purpose of me watching it to see if I think he hacks, wouldn't it?

Like digi said earlier, I only know what I saw in that one demo, not anything else earlier that match or in the past few years you've been playing against him.  I think that demo alone doesn't have much of a leg to stand on, so I'm curious to see what S8N's video will show and whether I'll feel like making one showing all of Zoo's obvious non-hacking moments to counter it.  I doubt it though, because I don't know how to do it and I doubt it would matter if I did.


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The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2006, 02:59:58 PM »
Or when he goes under the bridge and has his client staring directly through the bridge at where blitz is camping, then pops out and basically one shots him can be explained in terms of voice recon (again i think both are better explained in terms of a wallhack).
This was kind of an interesting point in the demo.  Zoogooz actually had sight of Blitz before going under the bridge.  During the time Zoogooz was under the bridge, Blitz didn't move, meaning Zoogooz already had his shot lined up.

I really wish there was a demo from zoogooz's perspective.  It's hard to conclude anything from just a few seconds of play here and there.

Sorry for continuing this off-topicness.  I'll see if I can split this into a separate thread.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 343
Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2006, 03:28:28 PM »
Yeah. You should make autodemo turn on if a server is passworded.

PS - I didnt start this thread.
Don't lie.