Author Topic: The Zoogooz Hackusation  (Read 23743 times)


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Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #40 on: April 13, 2006, 07:53:26 PM »
Moronic or mockingly? Get it right kiddo. Moronic would have looked like your spelling.

Still does not excuse the fact he was allowed to play so long. On either server. But thats the past, I dont live in it. Fact is GT has been and is  banning people from the servers for cheating, which in my book is just as bad as playing against a poor sport.

I never said your not trying, I just dont understand why more have not been caught. Also if you cant catch them, no one should be able to point thier finger and say guilty. No one is 100% correct all the time. There is an old saying that goes for any community. Its far better to let a 99 guilty men go free then to convict 1 innocent man. This goes back to what Bain was saying about trusting the people you play against.

Everyone, why are you matching against someone you dont trust?


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #41 on: April 14, 2006, 04:07:24 AM »

Playah - Get your story straight, idiot. Our topic says that because now that xb beat us, they said they're never matching us again.

lol @ "an opponent of yours hacking"
Who have I ever accused of hacking before this?
Clipz? Yeah. and my demos exposed his blatant wallhack.
No one else.

-Your topic also showed everyone that they´d be noobs, only because of their win.
-Didnt you accuse UniBoNGeR of hacking? (I think you accused him of hacking during a close match or too close match for your definitions)

...but zoo diddn't have the best score on his team.. that was oddjob (and no one accused him of anything).

-I´ve gotta correct myself. Forget that with !ZoogooZ perhaps had the highest score", my fault. I should have said he surely did some important kills (grabpoints/ cappoints - what is way more important than to be the High-scorer) --> Making you lose.

- Somewhere Digi said that xB is the only clan who has said to them that they are jackasses during matches. Thats not true. Dop and Memi (i think) have said such things to them because you really comment many deaths with "lmao" "rofl", etc. As for ignoring you (/ignore <number>) during matchesa: What if all of you begin to make such comments during one match (which has happened also), should we ignore you all? No communication?! Thats not the best idea. Im pretty sure there are/have been many other clans complaining about eR33t´s mm2/behaviour during matches.

PS: What about Sanchez´ post? It deserves a reply.
PPS: I hope you read my whole post before responding to it. Thanks. :)


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #42 on: April 14, 2006, 11:56:50 AM »
-Didnt you accuse UniBoNGeR of hacking?

^ lmfao. that was dt. uni is awful.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #43 on: April 14, 2006, 11:57:54 AM »
I just saw your 'PPS', and I'd like to add that I read about 2 lines of your post.
Just like loial's. I didn't even glance at it. lmao. Doesn't matter though, he'll still write a 2 paragraph response about me and how much he wants my rooster down his throat. Have at it loial, I wont read that one either. My brain has suffered enough reading your posts within the last few months. It's time for a break. eRrRrrrTtttttzzzz OuT.


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Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #44 on: April 14, 2006, 12:12:43 PM »
Just like jitspoe, anything commited before the global ban list is forgiven. For Jake, he aimbotted once probably 4-5 years ago. Same goes for him. I didn't respond because I found it to be a useless post with self-evident answers.

I accused uni of wallhacking then reviewed his demo and saw that he wasn't. I then accused him of using hacked models.The match itself, we won, and it wasn't that close.

Again, completely irrelevent to this thread, would be great if you people stayed on topic.


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Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #45 on: April 14, 2006, 04:34:29 PM »
One thing you newer players need to realize is, 'Er33t' mocks what they dont understand, good sportsmanship.

Nice idiotic double post Digibonger, there is a modify button. Dont be afraid to use it, I wont make fun of you.

*Shakes head and walks away wtih a satisfied stiffy, thanks Digi you are good for something. :)

Edit  DT,
I then accused him of using hacked models.
Is this the same sort of accusation that Sandman was said to have complained about?
« Last Edit: April 14, 2006, 06:08:09 PM by loial21 »


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Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #46 on: April 14, 2006, 06:16:09 PM »
Digi your lame kid. You will never change you will continue to G talk excrement behind your computer were you cant be found. On the whole zoogooz thing. I Don't think he would have a reason to hack, hes already proved that his clan was better.

For the whole RR, iP thing... you guys never beat them more then twice. I always remember being at exorcist, venoms house with chaos and watching you guys get raped over and over.

As for the uni topic leave him alone you guys need to grow the intercourse up. Get a life. Digi, taco ever think of a break get off the computer and get a life. Never mind that will never happen, Your glued to your chair.

One last time.. stop bringing up my name.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #47 on: April 14, 2006, 06:29:34 PM »
<Clipz> i wasted 8 yrs of my life playing dp


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #48 on: April 14, 2006, 06:38:24 PM »
Jake was also banned for a set amount of time. (Think it was a month or something)


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Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #49 on: April 14, 2006, 06:58:06 PM »
No loial, sandman accused eR33t of using hacked hitboxes, not hacked models.

Clipz if you could please take a look at, and repond to that would be great.

Now lets try to keep this thread on topic.


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Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #50 on: April 14, 2006, 07:36:32 PM »
Well it was about a hackusation Mr. smarty pants. But, thanks for the answer. I guess Sandman was aproxmently correct.

I wonder what percentage of digi's life has been spent talking excrement, to people he does not even consider equal?. 80-90% I think thats what clipz ment in 'get a life'. I will post that here Thanks for the new flame thread. Jesus.


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Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #51 on: April 14, 2006, 09:18:34 PM »
Not entirely sure what that means, I'm not even sure if its possible to approximately correct on someone hacking.

With what I think it means, i'd respond by saying we had some proof, just not definitive proof. Basically a demo of him hitting me a spot thats very hard to see and .jpg's he'd posted of different 'wolf' models he's made. Whereas sandman didn't have anything, but again, none of this has anything to do with this thread.


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Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #52 on: April 14, 2006, 09:47:07 PM »
Its possible if your approxamating the problem to the newbian who does not process information like you. :)

Proof or no proof. It does matter you both were wrong. Or were you? Any how both are 'Hackusations'


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Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #53 on: April 15, 2006, 01:25:20 AM »
Its all propaganda.  Zoogooz doesnt hack.  Its just like when crazed was in iP.  RR seemed to think he used a speed hack...I think they even made up a hack in they're mind called an acceleration something or rather hack...

I dunno, just funny to me.  How come nobody ever pointed out acid, or borgus?


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #54 on: April 15, 2006, 02:17:51 AM »
hey i have a great idea, lets ban everyone who can get a positive score in a match and/or sometimes get a lucky shot and make it look like they're hacking! then we can cry about it on the forums!


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Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #55 on: April 15, 2006, 02:23:01 AM »
Me first.

Where would you like me to start?


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #56 on: April 15, 2006, 02:29:53 AM »
I didn't even glance at it.

I bet you read it but you dont want to reply to it since you cant say its a lie.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #57 on: April 15, 2006, 02:46:00 AM »
Loial, you tend to unintentionally turn threads into flame fests... learn to express your opinion more efficiently, because -- allthough it's pretty funny at first, it gets to the point where it's just flat out annoying.These kind of discussions tend to degenerate into useless rambling anyway, no need to further the cause. I'm not even involved in the conversation, just reading threw.. and almost every one of your comments annoys me. They're just wasting everyone's time reading/interpreting. If you don't have something valuable to contribute, then don't.. enough with all the made up words and disneyland-slang #^$%. Especially in a realm like this, where you clearly have very little objective opinion in the matter.


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Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #58 on: April 15, 2006, 09:34:35 AM »
lmao btw I was actually accused of cheating by dirtytaco..... playah =)
well since my name was brought up in this thread.
it was perty funny thing too. dirtytaco accused me of cheating. i made fun of him for it. and he started a crusade of hatred towards me. its really pathetic that dirtytaco errr... dogPOOP-taco(his first name on this game)after the hacusations made a map (cant say its a personal insult by dirtytaco. because it says er33t on the map, don't understand why dirtytaco says its a personal insult to me. specially when his names not on it,(most likely he is to scared))
after dirtytaco accused of cheating
he keept on saying things like i never accused u of wall hacking... funny thing is i never said wall hack once. i always said cheat. "could this be subconcions thoughts most likely," but i could care less about it. the fact of the mater is. i was accused of cheating by this lame person and he has been trying to harass me on irc. and the web (altering my pictures, with sexually explicit scenes) all cause er33t thinks i use modified models... and i will always use er33ts name and not dirtytacos name. cause he just a part of the problem. id really like to see er33t to improve their attitudes towards the rest of the community of dp. to me they might be good at the game. but there attitude  just rips there skillz in game to a -3, worst clan on this game... ur hacusations are very amusing. hope this makes ur quote bot. the fact u would go threw all this dirtytaco just goes to show how much of a pathetic human being you really are. what really sad i saw s8n posting those pictures on irc as well. are u not like 40 years old s8n. if u have a problem with someone you go speak with that person you just don't go around spreading rumors, like...<DirtyTaco> I bet uni has sex with his wolfs!.... yeah dirtytaco funny if I never would of changed my name to warwulf you would be saying i bet uni has sex with bongs.... ur name is dogPOOP taco and dirtytaco... i could say soo much about that mr peirce lamb..... but being the greater human. i can just laugh at all ur lil attempts to annoy me. keep up the good work. glad my name was brought up in this topic.

dirtytacos sword and wolf jokes are the greatest ever.
skater and smokey sure love talking to me about it on irc.. i love to be soo popular.

btw the wolf models i used for quake2 are available for download here. funny er33t thinks i made them. thats just soo funny lmao. *blushes*

whats really funny about you guys saying i use these wolf models to have some sort of advantage. funny thing is i only use them for quake2, but lets have jitspoe take a look at those models. and let him be the judge if im using them for some sort of advantage... btw jitspoe knows i have no clue how to save md2 models formats. (thnx jitspoe for exporting my wolf model for abbey(very much appreciated)) *HURRY AND ADD TEAM DEATHMATCH soo i can finally release it*

sad promised me tdm would be available,right before i started working on abbey. and that was the actual thing that motivated me to create it.


< speel c|-\EeK3|D 4 J|+Sp}{()e >

« Last Edit: April 15, 2006, 06:36:18 PM by WarWulf »


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Re: The Zoogooz Hackusation
« Reply #59 on: April 15, 2006, 09:45:27 AM »
My god, I read about 3 sentences of that and then I was totally confused.