Sorry for the excessive post, but its just what I feel towards it.
Now im not saying global login is bad but i am saying that public servers that kick you if your not logged in is just ridiculous.
Thats up to server admins.
another thing; this demo-request trend that started is so annoying. if you do good, demo-request! u cant just be good at this game anymore u have to be hacking and the committee is suggesting ban over not handing over demo? screw that i deleted every single one of my demos i honestly dont care for em.
Cheat detection is not 100% fool proof. I honestly agree with you though, people go way over the top with these requests, but its what people do now, as many don't seem to rely on the cheat detection as they claim it doesn't work, but what can you do?
Pub admin abusers kicking and banning for no reason kills pubs! superman ran a great pub but thats gone. luckily Carbon Gaming pubs are doing well so far.
Again, up to server admins. They pay for servers, they can do what they want. Vanity does a good job of keeping high admin to people he trusts, so it would most likely never happen on his server.
clans are dying due to bans and we dont even know what we getting banned for? how can we trust a comittee who cant even talk to us or a cheat detection but wont tell us wat it has detected. 3 years ago dplogin had the highest amount of users online a day which was 260 now u hardly will ever see 50. need more clans to match more.
See, your doubting the detection. They get banned because they've been detected. Also, it does tell jitspoe whats been detected. He can even tell you the modified files. He just doesn't, so that you submit the hacks and own up to what you did, and also by doing that, halving your ban time. Clans die because people distrubute to each other and all get caught using the same thing. Obviously it'd be a very hard job finding who distributed like it always is, but they still get the 64+ day vacations.
anyway this game just seems to be going down hill faster and faster. more bans more rules less attraction more people quiting cause they cant trust the game and for what? a free online game. honestly dp2 staff, your not getting paid so do yourself and us a favor and stop breaking your backs on a FREE game. try playing it more its fun
Your version of fun probably differs from mine. Fun means everyone enjoying themselves, playing the game as it should be played, at whatever level. Your version of fun must contain things that my version of fun doesn't define. Jitspoe tries to make the game fun, keeping it clean of cheaters. He sets rules up for this very reason.