This is a good idea. Do the demo's automatically get deleted after a certain amount of time? Otherwise wouldn't this use all of your hosting space?
If people do manage to upload 10+GB of demos I'll look into culling the oldest ones, but currently I have so much space it's not really a problem. So currently there is no timeout on demos.
So do you want people to just upload demo's every so often 'even if not requested' so then a newer player can view better players demo's if they want? Anyways, good idea ViciouZ.
-- This should be marked in the 'Demo Request section' so people just use this site instead of some other random file sharing site.
The intention was that people just use it instead of file sharing sites for uploading demo files, not go out of their way to add more stuff. I've got some feedback for ideas such as categories for tournaments, like you suggested, and some from idias about adding a tags system and allowing more info to be specified about the demo when it is uploaded, such as if it's a match/hack report/jump demo.
My current stuff to work on list is basically adding more general information to the site, improving the browse page, adding a search feature and generally tweaking the theme to make it look better.