Author Topic: Demo Request: Muff  (Read 19530 times)


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Demo Request: Muff
« on: July 18, 2010, 03:10:30 AM »
zpar11_beta, about an hour ago.

Heres mine:

Check out:


« Last Edit: July 29, 2010, 04:09:09 AM by Rick »


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Re: Demo Request: Muff
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2010, 11:52:11 AM »
Seriously? 3 am? wow. Get a life Rickers. lol.

Did you request in game and over irc? I have to ask.
Send him this link and if he doesn't respond then I guess the committee will have no other choice but to get involved.


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Re: Demo Request: Muff
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2010, 04:22:16 PM »
Seriously? 3 am? wow. Get a life Rickers. lol.

Did you request in game and over irc? I have to ask.
Send him this link and if he doesn't respond then I guess the committee will have no other choice but to get involved.

Remember I'm an Aussie ;) Was like 7:50pm for me. But yeah, I only asked for it in-game and av3k told me to post on the forums, so i did.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Demo Request: Muff
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2010, 10:56:42 PM »
what he just got back into the game.. Come on now. But i  idk so of course ill notify him about the thread as soon as i see him online


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Re: Demo Request: Muff
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2010, 11:57:24 PM »
what he just got back into the game.. Come on now. But i  idk so of course ill notify him about the thread as soon as i see him online
I do like Muff, and to me, those times I listed seem like he has a speedhack..(My opinion).


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Re: Demo Request: Muff
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2010, 10:50:48 AM »
I didn't find the first time or second time bad, but that 10:54 time looked odd. He was getting speed off nothing.

Vanity agreed that every time you listed looked suspicious.

It'd be nice to see MuFF's demo to see him more often.


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Re: Demo Request: Muff
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2010, 12:10:39 PM »
If Vanity says it's hacks then it has to be. He uses all the latest and greatest.


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Re: Demo Request: Muff
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2010, 12:01:19 AM »
If Vanity says it's hacks then it has to be. He uses all the latest and greatest.

Plz use special committee powers to get the demo. plzzzz.


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Re: Demo Request: Muff
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2010, 07:05:20 AM »
So um...demo pl0x?


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Re: Demo Request: Muff
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2010, 08:36:39 AM »
Consider this an official request for your demo muff. Failure to comply should result in a ban.


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Re: Demo Request: Muff
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2010, 10:57:02 AM »


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Re: Demo Request: Muff
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2010, 05:50:08 PM »

Just want to advise the committee there should be some adjustments being made for, “up most good faith” and also “proof of notification”. Your job carry’s an important responsibility that you should be committed too. I hope this recommendation will help do your job more effectively and accurately. Some might say experience is enough but wait; I’ve been around digital paint for over 10 years! And trust me I’ve seen a lot of people being deemed wrong, including the best of the best.

First off, my team had to advice me of the post on the forums. Thanks Starz you guys are awesome.  With this being said that includes a failure of responsibility from Rick and the committee to make an effort to contact me. With this in mind, there was no request for demo, until now. Furthermore by not complying with flips request “Send him this link and if he doesn't respond then I guess the committee will have no other choice but to get involved.”  This tells me Rick shows little interest and or has doubts about what he saw. This leaves me with the impression to believe this post was made from impulse behavior which is not suppressing considering the amount of former post on the “request for demo” topic.

Secondly, I would like to apology for the late response and also would like a public apology from the committee for not notify me, with the intensions of moving forward and implementing a ban! for this serious matter!!! . I thought Rick was kidding or playing a joke considering I just got unbanned and had to re-download and install DP. Thanks to those who told me of this particular matter through the grape vine, so to speak. I personally don’t have time to check DP forums for any matters at all. This sort of happening should be foreseeable and consideration should be in effect, hence our late match at 3:00am says it all.

Third, Rick and I get along, so that’s why I find this hard to believe, I guess he has too much time on his hands lol. It is clearly stated by rick that this post is based on his “opinion”  not detection, making this a civil matter. In my opinion, this video has a few weird things happening. For example, why does Rick not lag with over a 200 ping? I lag hard or warp with a 120 ping. Also I need to state here that I get 30fps on that map and only that map, on average. If you watch the demo again you may pick up on this when I talk to Henrond. MuFF- “you know I can’t play this map.” Then later MuFF “I hit 30fps” Henrond “o ya I forgot” MuFF- “ya thanks”. Now that this is known! Is it not possible that my movement may not appear consistent? In my opinion I feel it’s very possible and this would not be due to any modification or hacking of any sort.

Now, opinions can be thrown around but realistically something can also be said about my amazing shot when Rick leaves base with flag and I own him and Henrond 2v1, Can Rick say that was an aimbot!! Sure he can!! But was it hell no!

Lastly we played 6 consecutive maps against s2k that night! And only a few seconds in a single demo where questioned by 1 out of 6 or more payers watching and spectating. This raises a lot of question about Rick’s concern.

The demo: I don’t keep demos sorry to upset but it’s a waste of space (on my Pentium 4 lol) and without any proper notification there is no reason to keep them.

Is this a hack Hell no!! i know how to jump and strafe after along time of playing dp.


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Re: Demo Request: Muff
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2010, 08:13:57 PM »
umm i really don't see it... the first 2 posted times... he got some sweet velocity going from doing low speed and I've see that happen to you too rick ;) ... the rest looks like lag spiking. So i really don't know why you're trying to get muff banned. You should have also bled him to death in a pm if you wanted his demo that day too because I really wouldn't blame him for deleting demos... they do tend to be a waste of space, and also you are a sneaky little kidder rick! All in all, the demo looks justifiable to me, but it's not up for me to decide.


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Re: Demo Request: Muff
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2010, 09:00:25 PM »
I've seen Muff do strange lags like that before and know his computer/internet is bad.    BUT--- no demo of this lag and reading his long post wasted too much of my time, so I voted ban!!!! BOOM!   :P  ;)


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Demo Request: Muff
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2010, 09:10:38 PM »
I was in the server and  saw what Rick did. It was very suspect and I advised Rick to post for the demo. I like Muff and I don't think he'd hack, but thats what it looked like to everyone specing him. We aren't trying to get Muff banned for the sake of getting Muff banned, he's an asset to the game. We want to see his demo because it truly looked like he had a speedhack set on a very low setting. No one is saying Muff was hacking, we just want to see his demo.

As far as no one contacting Muff that would be a huge failure on the part of the committee if it was a committee issue. It wasn't until "Reply #10 on: Today at 09:57:02 AM". Not even 12 hours ago. Currently there are no rules or procedures for getting demos other than submitting a formal request on the forums so you can't really blame Rick on this one either. In hindsight, Muff should have been contacted personally, either during or immediately after the match. That is something that was discussed in Committee and never actually told to the DP community. I'll start drafting a post on "How to ask for demos" and maybe fl1p can do me a solid and sticky it for everyone.

This post does not mean the issue is closed. It will still be discussed in Committee.

EDIT: After re-reading the thread and reviewing the demo Rick did ask for the demo in game, posted a thread within an hour, and made Starz aware of the request. I don't see what else could have been done on Rick's part.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Demo Request: Muff
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2010, 12:03:00 AM »
Well I've watched it and it really doesn't look as bad as you guys are making it seem. Also if it was a speed hack I'm pretty sure jitspoe's cheat detection would have caught it wouldn't you think? Just take into issue his fps problems. Then again this is just my opinion.


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Re: Demo Request: Muff
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2010, 02:25:40 AM »
In general:

The number of requests for demos that are not pursued / enforced is absurd. If we are going to use a committee system to impart bans and "impartially" judge demos then there should be a fair and reasonable system in place to do so. If there is rock-hard evidence of cheating I understand taking immediate action; however, when there are a few questionable situations with absolutely no other foundation for implication, taking action on only certain people is abhorrent.  Get a system in place that is fair and understood by everyone and implement it or simply stop this halfhearted attempt to eliminate cheating.  I mean seriously people…if the accuser was not tight with the committee do you really think this would have been taken any further? (Please note: I am referring only to the committee and their duties.  Jitspoe's cheat detect system is, while not all encompassing, quite fair and reasonable.

Specific to Muff:

Do I wish he had the demo to give you? Yes. Does he? No. Muff deleted his demo.
Given that there is no universally understood and/or fairly implemented system for hack accusations, I do not think that the fact that Muff deleted his demo is a good reason to ban him. I watched the videos and, knowing how bad Muff spikes on that map, nothing from it seemed crazy enough to convince me there were eternal factors giving him an unfair advantage. If there were a universally understood procedure (especially one that was posted somewhere other than the forums… which I RARELY look at) I would change my tune as Muff would be in clear violation of said procedures; however, because there is not a universally understood procedure I beg you to ask yourselves one question: Can u justify banning someone for cheating after watching only a few seconds of questionable footage over a period of 2 hours of play time? I couldn’t.


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Re: Demo Request: Muff
« Reply #17 on: July 29, 2010, 03:22:33 AM »
I asked Muff for the demo, I was told to make a thread on the forums, I made a thread. Even DuDe said he'd contact him. I'm not sure what else I could've done on my part? (I haven't seen Muff since then). By the way, I've speedhacked in the past and it's not detectable as far as I know(That's why people upload others speedhacking).

I love Starz, and I hope y'all don't hate me for requesting a demo.


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Re: Demo Request: Muff
« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2010, 03:55:11 AM »
Rick, I can't speak for everyone in Starz, but I see nothing wrong with what you did. I love the Rick. I was simply using this thread as an opportunity to point out a greater issue I have with the current system in general. I was also using it to support a friend who I do not think should be banned simply because he deleted a demo. I would do the same for you.


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Re: Demo Request: Muff
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2010, 04:03:44 AM »
Rick, I can't speak for everyone in Starz, but I see nothing wrong with what you did. I love the Rick. I was simply using this thread as an opportunity to point out a greater issue I have with the current system in general. I was also using it to support a friend who I do not think should be banned simply because he deleted a demo. I would do the same for you.

I too don't agree he should be banned because he didn't supply a demo. I just don't like how in each of MuFF's paragraphs, he uses me as an excuse as to why he didn't upload the demo; Starz asked me to make a thread about it, I did.

Edit: Here's Henrod's POV. I'll edit with some times when I can get a chance.