- The season part of the league will last 7 weeks, each team will play 1 game per week. More detailed information about this can be found at
http://www.globalgamers.net/league/index.php?l=1&s=1&mod=article&view=details&no=1- If a team notices they cannot have enough players for their scheduled time, they must contact a league admin as soon as possible. The admin will talk with their opponents to try to find a more suitable time. If no time is reached both teams will receive 1 point for that week's game. IF the team did not inform an admin soon enough that their team could not make that time, the admin will still attempt to help find a better time, but since it was too late that team would receive a loss.
- Like a normal match, you must win 2 maps to win the match. However, you get a point per map won. Which means you can lose the match and receive 1 point.
- Each team must choose their map from the map pool, the same map can be chosen twice if both teams want it. The referee will msg the team leader from each team/or team Captain if the leader is absent asking for the team's map prior to the start. This way, it doesn't matter whose map is first because the maps are already known. Tiemap is predetermined. To see the complete maplist view:
http://www.globalgamers.net/league/index.php?l=1&s=1&mod=article&view=details&no=2- The timezone we're going with for NA is Eastern timezone - For European it is GMT+1
- The servers being used for NA are x/GGDPL Private servers - For European is Global Gamers League #1/2 . All league games must be played on the league servers!
- The match fixtures can be found here:
http://globalgamers.net/league/index.php?l=1&s=1&mod=match&view=scheduleNote- 2 NA teams are still missing. 1 Euro team's spot is up for grabs as sTn has not put their team on the website. MSG an admin to enter your team.
- We're still looking for 2/3 European referees and 1 NA referee.
- Demo's are still mandatory, every demo[no matter how many reconnects] Use:
http://www.banterous.co.uk for demo uploads.
- As of tuesday squad modifications and teams joining the league are closed. Changes after that will only be possible during one or two select weeks in the season.
If you have any other questions/concerns msg an admin in #dpleague