It's time for a new speed server maprotation! There are a few changes this time.
First of, we will remove all actual maps from the speed server. So we can get a complete new rotation. Hopefully that this big change with lots of new maps will make the same or more fun.
You can vote up to 20 maps from a 30 map pool selected by us. In this pool there won't be overplayed speed server maps (like shazam33), bug maps, unfinished (beta) maps, (ice) "jumpmaps" or other for newbies unfriendly maps anymore. There won't be maps, that get the most votes in the poll about the "worst speed server maps" one year ago (ccc, dome, anubis, ub_rooftop, remenissions, prolandr and propaint1), too.
We hope that there will be a good mix of older and newer maps, smaller and bigger maps, less famous and more famous maps, 1-flag and more-flag maps (for each team). Most of the maps are CTF, some other ones are SIEGE or DM.
Note, that we will add .ent files for all maps. That's why you don't need to pay attention for warnings while loading, bad spawnpositions or other entities. Please be fair and give all maps the same chance. Have a look at the maps you don't know before you begin to vote your favorite maprotation.In our opinion a poll is easier and faster for you than posting maps in and out. So it would be nice if many of you could find the time to vote. If two or more maps have the same number of votes, we will decide what map should be in the maprotation. Thanks for voting!
If you want to post feedback about this new voting system, we would be thankful. For following mapvotings, we would really like to know if you prefer the old voting system with posting maps in and out or this "new" one with a map pool and a poll. You don't need to post names of voteable or other maps. This won't influence the result of the poll.
The change of the maprotation will be on october 1st 2010. The voting time will also end this day. We hope you enjoy the new rotation with lots of new maps!
Vote your own favorite maprotation now