I thought there was a thread for this already, but i can't find it.
Add commands to receive data from the login database ingame.
playerinfo [playerid] -> To get the same data (or the most important data like playerid, registered names, active clan + a link to dplogin.com) like the
player profile website.
claninfo [clanid] -> To get the same data (or the most important data like clanid, clanname, clantag, website, leaders, members + a link to dplogin.com) like the
clan profile website.
The best solution would be an included search command, so that i can type in "playerinfo 5" to get my profile infos directly and "playerinfo T3RR0R15T" to get a search result (like the
website). It should seach, if the character behind the command is not an existing playerid.
+ The same for the claninfo command.