its nice idea but what about the teams that write maps like:nightmare,oddjob,pice,snowbong? You can fill whole tie map list with maps like this or maps that others hates or dont know its 50:50 that it will be that map. Also sometimes some clans dont even want to discuess about the maps they say air/pp1 and nothing else. Well ok pp1/air are nice know maps but i got bored playing only those maps so i always try to force clans to at least try to discuss more. So i think this is definetely step forward for matching because it would "force" the teams to write more than 2 maps
Maybe some tie maplist? There is a lot of maps that are really good for ties and not boring (prolandr carp tatras pforest......) and the teams could only write maps from this list. But there could be a problem with low fps maps. For example:My mate likes playing prolnadr but he has 20fps on mid due to the smoke in the river so he alwasy must go throw BD
, and i dont think he would like to play this map as tie versus some strong teams.
I think that the first step should be to say how many maps must each team say in minimum and which are allowed (as i said in my post 2 betas from 6 maps or 3 from 9 smething like that).
I am not sure about the random choose from all ties maybe after some more ideas how to optimize that but definetely there should be random choose from air/pp1 (when the teams cant find the good tie from my view there SHOULD at least be some discussion to make the ties more funny