or less a discussion thread on ^
It's been the same things people say that have to get done year after year, but they don't. It's because it's to much for 1 guy to do in his spare time. So, if that never changes might as well pack it in and call it a day.
Well in my opinion the most important thing is drawing and retaining new players.
(You can work banning and everything all you want, but in all -- players makes the game. Anyone disagree?)
Drawing could be harder and less obvious but retaining becomes simple and obvious.
Step 1 - Make the website look nicer to draw people in, it's outdated just like the game itself. (saw a good thread on that earlier and kyuuchi tried to help with that about a year+ ago too)
Step 2 - Make the 'create profile' section simpler, as people struggle with that. Make a 'Just Play' button so they don't have to login or click cancel. ( I heard this was getting done or was done, I wouldn't know since I use Bono's mod) -- Basically improve ingame setup.
Step 3 - Add HR4 textures on download, so the graphics are better.
That's the main parts off the top of my head... please toss in more options. I know there's a bunch of other little things to improve, but it's less important. (ex- maps / models etc...)
Improved framerate would be nice for many people, since this is a very small download it does attract people with lower-end computers. But this is no means something I'd consider urgently important.
To better the game, I think improved media is the most important thing. But, in the current situation players are lacking. In the time it usually takes to get small things done, the community would be gone before we can even get a good hr4 pack. Which basically means, the first step to improving the game has to really come from the community, and Jitspoe doesn't really accept much help.
People blame the community, but it's not like 'only ass holes come to dp2' -- it's just the people who match see the same people daily, when you know most of the community by 1st name people will start flaming easier. If there were more teams like [InT] who helped a lot of new players get into the game :/ but, there are still people willing, there's just not many people to help. Also, people don't feel the need to help as the games well... just about dead.
Jusu's post on the 1st page sums up a lot of what the community could help out with.
I'm sure we have a lot of talented people in this community, if dp2 was open source a lot of 'little' things could get done, leaving Jitspoe with larger projects only. Making his free-time spent on more important stuff.
Yeah, soooo post feedback on what you think is important, what the community can do, etc... anything you feel is necessary, even if that's just 'the games dead, we cant help'. The thing about dp is most people who make it to the matching community end up staying 2+ years, it's a unique community.