Just curious, what happened to not banning until 100% sure? Considering you brought this back after he already served the ban 3 years ago, but wait, you clarified it in your most recent email to me.
After the first few emails it became clear that it had to do with me lying as the main focus of this ban.
Now, it's more clear as it's --
1) Me lying while I was getting banned (trying to avoid being banned).
-Why would I admit to hacking? Obviously like everyone else I would've lied... I hacked, I'm not going to turn myself in on it.
2) You assume I played under Quix's account before.
-You know, I always dreamed of playing for FarmStarz<333333 and all those solid training clans he was in to boost my confidence. Why isn't Skeet/Biker banned? They play at eachothers house, and take turns playing. Isn't that sharing accounts? Nawwwwwwwwww lets focus on this only