bitmate: If I could get you to run a few commands on your end to help identify the problem.
First off, we'll need to grab a decent size sample of pings to the server. 100 is a good start, the more the better.
At a DOS prompt: (Start->Run; Open: cmd; OK)
ping -n 100
This will spam a lot, but I only need the last four lines.
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 100, Received = 100, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 27ms, Maximum = 50ms, Average = 35ms
Next I need the entire traceroute from your point of view:
Finally I need your IP so that I can run a traceroute from the server's point of view.
Once you've got all that information, send me a PM on the forum, or an e-mail at
I'll raise the issue with my network support group.
I've already got a packetloss ticket created that will be looked into Monday, your's is much much worse.
AgentSmith and others: if you'd like to do the same go ahead. The more data I collect, the better case I can prevent.