Yes it is fairly small...
I got the lighting better, and figured out ladderss.
As for the teleporter: I had it working, i just wanted it to have a custom sound.
Last question, how to make moving water like in Snip-pb1?
So can someone beta test it? i'm not too good at figuring out item distributions
A little more about the map:
This map is DM and CTF red vs blue
The map is small on purpose, it is based on the Halo map "
Battle Creak". I also borrowed the idea of making the lighting different for each team's base (slightly redder for red team, bluer for blue team, etc) from the map "Coagulation" and "Colussus" from Halo 2.
Each base has two entrances: down from the top (the catwalk along the wall) and in the door behind the barrels. To get on the catwalk you must use one of two ladders: the visible one in the pic and the not-so-visible one underneath the mini-bunker near the top of the pic. That bunker has two layers, and the door right next to it is an 'escape'. You can get to it from the top of the bunker and it only opens from the inside.
i might add one flag CTF - I was thinking of putting the flag on a little 'island' between the two bases.
Ammo, barrels, guns, grenades, and C02 are scattered around on each team's side of the river. Also some good guns+c02 are in the river itself.
sooo....need beta testers. i can't really help do it myself, because I have dialup and really crappy phone lines.
Pretty good for my first Paintbal map eh?
I have used GTKradiant before, for a quake III based game called Tremulous, and I have used several editors before (3d editor called Dedit for Shogo:MAD and Build for duke nukem)
Also if this map turns out to be OMGSFAICWTPIIWKYA could it be included in Paintball?