Sorry for the late response. Nice map, great that it works now with the flames...
Next to the wrong waterfall texture and the func_walls jitspoe already mentioned, there's only one very bad thing I could figure can't die when touching the flame
R_speeds at the are now up to ~5500 wpoly and ~15fps for me
Maybe you should think about deleting the water low mid, if this doesn't adversely affect the gameplay (because of the reflection). Or make the water flowing, I guess flowing water doesn't reflect.
Would be cool if you could fix this bad looking hole.
This is something for jitspoe. I'm not sure if you'll also create new hr4 textures for the flame. But if you'll ever do this, please delete the texture issue you can see from certain angles sometimes. The problem is that you can't lower the brushes one unit, because the flame will be cut off then.
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