Sorry for the late response. Great looking map with all the details
@ic3, can you fix the link with the first beta please?
Don't be afraid because of the long feedback, it's no problem because it's a very big map
As other said the map will cause problems for people with an older computer. There're more than 11000 wpoly from base to base. Around the flags and the base my fps are between 9 and 12 most of the time. It's definitly unplayable for me. I guess there're too many details for such a big and opend map. And you propably need to lower the sky, that you can't see above the whole map.
Have a look at this screenshot. It's the top view of this map.
And now have a look at this screenshot, it's the same top view with other settings.
You can see very good how big the map is...just because of useless parts. Lower the sky and cut off the rest of this useless parts, that the map isn't that big and open.
While loading the map there're two bad field messages. Have a look at these two flags. If you want to have 4 points like ic3 wrote in the first post, delete "points" ".8" and change the "count" value from ".6" to ".8", otherwise you'll get 3 point flags.
"points" ".8"
"classname" "flag"
"origin" "2144 2464 20"
"teamnumber" "1"
"count" ".6"
"points" ".8"
"classname" "flag"
"origin" "-800 -2976 20"
"teamnumber" "2"
"count" ".6"
Replace "requiredfiles" "scripts/sktrees5.txt" with "requiredfiles" "scripts/sktrees
1.txt" that the game will download the correct file. A script with the name sktrees5.txt doesn't exist yet.
Very nice that you used "angle" for the player spawns. I think this is your first map I don't need to tell you this
It's also very nice to see, that you used lots of clip brushes. I'll post screenshots of places you still didn't clipped.
In my opinion there're not enough team indicators all over the map. But I'm not sure if this will result in a worse gameplay, maybe it's not that important.^
There's some stuff that isn't logically. The electric lights doesn't really match the time around 1880, but blade already mentioned this.
The windows are on the same level as the bottom of the top floor... How could this be possible?
Inside (left) there's a door and no windows, outside (right) there're windows, but no door. How could this be possible?
At least a few more screenshots...
Red: Misaligned. Move this faces a little bit.
Green: Add two more clip brushes there.
Red: Misaligned. Move this texture a little bit and don't rotate the lamps here. Have a look at the following pic, it's not exactly your rotation, but the misalignment is the same.
Red: Misaligned. Move the face a little bit.
Red: Jitspoe already mentioned this, I'll try to give you the solution to fix it. I guess you used the "aux" flag. Don't do this. For the right face use the "skip" flag, for the left face use the "mist" flag". I'm not sure at the moment, but this should fix the double wall and the entity visibility. Tell me if this doesn't work, then I'll have a look at this again and try to reproduce it.
EDIT: I see now that there is one more secret way at the autococker. It's nearly the same change to fix this wall, too.
Red: The wall cuts off the plant. Move the model a little bit or use "angle" "#".
Green: I'd add one more clip brush from below here.
Red: Misaligned. Rotate this faces.
Green: Add two more clip brushes there.
Red: The
PAIN is written backwards. Mirror the two faces with the surface setting "SX" "-1.0". Maybe you could also use an other texture for the top.
Green: Add a few more clip brushes here.
Red: Misaligned. Rotate the face.
Green: Add a clip brush here.
Blue: All doors that are ajar have just a wood texture from behind. Use the door texture there, too. I'll post more screenshots of the other doors.
Red: Wow, this place looks amazing. Very nice that you can't walk through the tree, but you can still shoot through it. Replace the clip brush with a not visible solid brush, use the "nodraw" flag for this.
Red: Misaligned. Rotate all these faces.
Blue: This light entity looks weird. It is extremely bright for this map, but there's no light source. Add a lamp or an other light source here, that it's looks more realistic.
Red: Misaligned. Scale up the texture a little bit.
Blue: Why did you clip the whole area? I don't like it, players could hide very well there. I'd like to see the clip brush just behind the box, but not left and right besides the box.
Red: Wrong texture. Use the top/bottom texture here, too. Also all of your barrels are very narrow, looks a bit strange.
Red: Misaligned. Rotate the face.
Green: Add two clip brushes here.
Blue: An other door with a wood texture from behind, use the door texture there, too.
Red: Misaligned. Rotate this face a little bit.
Red: Misaligned. Rotate the face.
Green: Add one more clip brush here.
Blue: One more door with a wood texture from behind, use the door texture there, too.
Red: Misaligned. Also use the same surface properties for the top. There's a small face you need to move a few units to the right side. Maybe have a look at the big screenshot, if you can't notive what I mean.
Green: Add one more clip brush here. Pay attention that players can't stand on it
Green: You've completely forgotten to clip these area.
Red: Misaligned. Rotate this face a little bit.
Blue: Hm...Looks like you scaled down the wall texture of this brush accidentally. I think it's not the way you want to have it, so reset the surface settings and it should be ok.
Red: It's not a big deal. However, I'd do it consistently. Extend the lower brush and shorten the left brush.
Now I finally know why fov could be useful. Looks terrible, but it fits all on a screenshot
Red: Hard to notice with fov, but you need to move this texture a little bit.
Green: Add a few more clip brushes here.
Red: Misaligned. Rotate this faces.
Red: Don't create two or more brushes for one barrel. There should only be
one brush for one barrel.
Green: Misaligned. Move the texture like you did at the barrel on the other side.
All in all the map is very nice. As you can see you have to work a lot on it, nevertheless. Keep on working
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