Author Topic: Tweak: libjpeg-turbo  (Read 1830 times)


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Tweak: libjpeg-turbo
« on: April 08, 2011, 03:27:57 PM »

If I understand this right, it should just be a drop-in replacement for libjpeg6, which would not only greatly decrease times for loading textures but also hopefully speed up screenshot delay too. Only potential problem seems to be the licensing, although apparently you can get around that and still keep most of the speed boost.


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Re: Tweak: libjpeg-turbo
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2011, 04:59:06 PM »
Is it not GPL-compatable?


libjpeg-turbo, as a whole, is licensed under the wxWindows Library License, which is essentially the LGPL (Lesser GNU Public License) v2.1 with an exception to the LGPL's provisions regarding static linking with closed source code. In essence, the wxWindows Library License is the LGPL v2.1 with Sections 6 and 7 nullified.

Thus, from our point of view, there are only four restrictions placed upon the distribution of libjpeg-turbo:

If you distribute a binary built from a modified version of libjpeg-turbo (either a binary of the modified library itself or an application binary that is statically linked with the modified library), then:
You must also distribute the source code for the modified version of libjpeg-turbo. You are not required, however, to distribute the source code for your application or to reveal your closed source code/objects in any way.
Your modifications to the libjpeg-turbo source code must be clearly marked. This is generally satisfied by adding your own copyright notice at the top of any modified source files.
Your modifications to the libjpeg-turbo source code must be licensed under the wxWindows Library License or a less restrictive license (such as a BSD-style license.)
Your modifications to the libjpeg-turbo source code cannot cause the library to work only with your application and not others.

Note that only two of the source files in libjpeg-turbo (jchuff.c and jdhuff.c) are licensed under the wxWindows Library License, which causes the entire library distribution to bear this license. You can, however, eliminate all four of the restrictions above and produce a library that is entirely licensed under the less restrictive BSD-style license by simply replacing those two files with their counterparts from the libjpeg v6b source. However, this will sacrifice a bit of performance, and it should not be necessary. The wxWindows Library License is one of the most commercially-friendly OSS licenses out there. It is designed to be just "viral" enough to ensure that modifications to libjpeg-turbo remain open source, but the viral provisions do not in any way extend to closed source code or objects that are linked with libjpeg-turbo.

I don't see a problem.