Superman has the best aim on dp chemical he's been using pgp for like 3 years and can take down people with autocockers with eaz.
Not putting down Superman's aim, but in all seriousness nobody in this game consistently can make the shots Shk makes.
Okkk I want to join in on this fun sh11t dp2 awardz. except i'm not going to include myself cause i'd win everything l1ol1ol1
Best player overall: Sata - Shk
Best Aim: Shk
Best Jumper: Skyline <3
Smartest player(related to in game play): Riddick
Best Rusher: Olbaid
Best Defensive player: CheMiCaL
Most improved player (this year): Chalk/Cyntex/Juiicy
Most Active: entire BTF roster (They always have like 15 in a server)
Best Helper: m7feettall
Best Clan Leaders: TiNi
Best Active Clan: sQ
Best Clan: What The ____? >o.O<
Best Attitude: TiNi ChaLk
Biggest Rager: Cyntex/L!nk
Biggest Player: SkeeT