
My Server doesent open ?

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Author Topic: Server opening  (Read 3979 times)


  • PGP
  • Posts: 9
Server opening
« on: June 04, 2011, 12:25:48 PM »
I have used this Instructions:

> Step 1: Requirements
> The most important requirement is the bandwidth. In
> Worst case, each client takes about 10k / s to
> (Absolute max 14k / s), but 3k / s is probably a typical
> Value.
> Cable and DSL connections typically do not do well,
> Because their server upload rate is usually about 30k / s
> Limited, which means more than 8 players
> Likely to bring to its knees.
> The hardware requirements are quite minimal: 200MHz +
> 32MB and may be even lower
> Probably a lot for a dedicated server.
> Step 2: Configuration
> There is a template included with paintball2 \ \ pball
> Configs \ server.cfg. Rename that there is no such
> Get overwritten by the new server.cfg
> Versions. For simplicity, call it
> Myserver.cfg. Now open myserver.cfg and adjust
> Settings to your liking.
> Server Name and Info
> The first thing you will want to change, the
> "Hostname", as that is what appears in the server list.
> You also additional variable names, the show is
> In the server information, such as location and admin
> Contact information. These are optional.
> Adding an "s" to the end of the set command is
> The variable in the server and share information. For example:
> Set Location "Houston, TX" s
> Rotataion
> The next thing you may want to process, the
> Map rotation. Name myrotation.txt the new file:
> Set rot_file pball / configs / myrotation.txt
> Open for you to try rotation.txt which
> Changes you want and this is a file | as
> Myrotation.txt "store. Also allows
> Current function, you can edit and store card
> Rotations the distance, while the game is running. You can
> This through the remote admin menu or with the
to do> "Rotation" command. See below for the device
> Remote admin options.
> Remote Admin
> Paintball2 has a convenient way to control
> Who use the commands: Operator levels. You can
> Up to 5 This will be the end of the server
> Configuration file set.
> For example:
> Set oppass1 "dog"
> Set oppass1level 50
> Set oppass2 "King"
> Set oppass2level 150
> Once the server, you can "log dog" and it will
You a surgery> 50 or "login king" and receive a
> Op level of 150 The op levels for each command
> May be necessary in pball \ configs \ commands.txt
> Be set, but you should not need to
> Edit this.
> Step 3: Start the server
> Create a shortcut to paintball2.exe (right
> Mouse button and drag to the desktop paintball2.exe
> Or where ever you want the shortcut to be, then
> Select "Create Shortcut (s) Here" from the
> Drop). Right-click on the link and click
> Select Properties. Under the tab
> "Shortcut", click on "Target:" entry box.
> END button, and add the following: "+ set
> Dedicated 1 + exec myserver.cfg + map midnight "(without
> Quotes). Make sure there is a
> Space between the "exe" and the "+ set". Now press
> To just OK, double-click the shortcut, and it
> Should start. It is a pop-up window with something like
> Paintball II "====== Initialized ======". You can
> Copy this link in your Start menu under
> Start | Programs | Start and it is every time
> Windows is loaded.
> Once you set up your server all you need jitspoe
> (JitspoeATplanetquakeDOTcom) to help it in the list
> Date. Hopefully in the next version, it is
> Be automated.
> Troubleshooting
> The most common problems when setting up servers, routers
> And firewalls. If the server machine goes through a
> Router, make sure that the router on the port
> 27 910 (or whatever port you're running the server
> Read more) on the server. Similarly, port 27 910 open to
> Your firewall and ensure that paintball2.exe
> Is allowed to act as a server.
> New! Click the above words to
> Alternative translations see. Close

But t don´t works  :'(


  • Map Committee
  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2593
Re: Server opening
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2011, 12:36:58 PM »
Are there any error messages in the console window?


  • PGP
  • Posts: 9
Re: Server opening
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2011, 12:44:52 PM »


  • Map Committee
  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2593
Re: Server opening
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2011, 01:05:33 PM »
It works then.

Try this:

- start the server
- start paintball
- open the console
- type in: connect

Does that work and if not, which message do you get?


  • PGP
  • Posts: 9
Re: Server opening
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2011, 02:32:28 PM »

wie server starten was öffnen ??


  • Map Committee
  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2593
Re: Server opening
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2011, 03:28:33 PM »
1. den Server starten
2. das Spiel starten
3. ^ drücken (console öffnet sich)
4. "connect" (ohne "") eingeben und Enter drücken

Du solltest jetzt zu deinem Server verbinden. Klappt es, läuft der Server problemlos. Wenn nicht, kommt ne Fehlermeldung. Diese dann abschreiben und hier posten.


  • PGP
  • Posts: 9
Re: Server opening
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2011, 03:46:26 AM »
wie server starten ??
was soll ich da machen ?


  • PGP
  • Posts: 38
Re: Server opening
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2011, 04:01:50 AM »
Mit T3RROR15Ts Beschreibung solltest du herausfinden, ob der Server lokal erreichbar ist und prinzipiell läuft.

Falls du mit einer deutschen Anleitung besser zurecht kommst klick hier.

Ansonsten beschreibe bitte was genau du gemacht hast und wo du nicht weiter kommst.

Sorry for the german discussion. It could be moved to the german section.


  • Map Committee
  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2593
Re: Server opening
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2011, 04:12:07 AM »
wie server starten ??
was soll ich da machen ?

Genau das, was in deiner Anleitung unter "> Step 3: Start the server" steht.


  • PGP
  • Posts: 9
Re: Server opening
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2011, 07:32:55 AM »
ich hab deine aneitung jetzt benutzt.
wenn ich paintball anklicke komt so ein schwarzes fenster,abeer andere sehen ihn nich warum?


  • Map Committee
  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1312
Re: Server opening
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2011, 10:38:43 AM »
Siehst du ihn denn im Spiel und kannst darauf spielen?

Such mal in der Serverconfig nach "public" und "setmaster". Da muss bei "public" ne "1" hinter stehen und bei "setmaster" muss "dplogin.com" hinter stehen.


  • Administrator
  • Autococker
  • Posts: 18802
Re: Server opening
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2011, 10:57:49 AM »
I voted for "Halp."


  • PGP
  • Posts: 9
Re: Server opening
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2011, 06:41:41 AM »
wo is da setmaster ??

// Config from Config Creator by [GER]ic3y
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set hostname "Foxxys" s
set website "" s
set admin "" s
set e-mail "martin.schmalix@gmx.de" s
set location "Germany" s
set public 1
set password ""
set g_autorecord 1
set g_autorecord_prefix ""
set sv_login

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set motdfile pball/configs/motd.txt
set rot_file pball/configs/rotation.txt
set g_commandfile "commands.txt"
set matchmode_cfg "matchmode.cfg"
set publicmode_cfg "publicmode.cfg"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set timelimit 20
set fraglimit 100
set idle 65
set obsidlekick 130
set PaintGrens 2
set SmokeGrens 1
set elim 7
set overtime 2
set sv_minclientbuild 27
set gren_explodeonimpact 1
set swear_filter 1
set sv_votemapenabled 1
set observerblackout 0
set floodprotect 1
set nokill 0
set ball_life 2
set flagmustbeatbase 0
set flagcapendsround 0
set autojoin 1
set ffire 0
set grenadeffire 0
set pong_nokill 1
set g_autobalance

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set logfile

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set sl_logging
set sl_logfile server#.log

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set allow_download 1
set allow_download_maps 1
set allow_download_models 1
set allow_download_sounds 1
set allow_download_players 1
set sv_fast_download 1
set sv_fast_download_max_rate 0

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set numpasses 5
set oppass1      "baum"
set oppass1level 100
set oppass2      "stock"
set oppass2level 150
set oppass3      ""
set oppass3level
set oppass4      ""
set oppass4level
set oppass5      ""
set oppass5level
rcon_password ""


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 211
Re: Server opening
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2011, 08:05:43 AM »
schreib das einfach zu "GENERIC SERVER INFO"
Und du solltest noch ein rcon passwort angeben