Well, I don't like to be a rat but oh well. I was browsing the 1v1 section of
www.pbcup.com and I came across a marvelous placing by Termin8or (7th place). So I was curious as to who he beat. I clicked "Results" and to my amazement I saw this..
May 27 22:15 Termin8oR defeated bevis forfeit
May 27 21:45 Termin8oR defeated Owned forfeit
May 27 21:30 Termin8oR defeated Owned forfeit
May 27 21:30 Termin8oR defeated Owned forfeit
May 27 19:30 Termin8oR defeated Sinister forfeit
Now, thats a little weird. First of all, its all forfeit wins. Okay. But take a closer look, you see that the dates are all the same, the times are so close it's impossible to play that much matches in that short amount of time. So, call me stupid but LYKE OMGZ IS TERMY FAKINGZ?!
As I remember, Termi has stated that he can not run build 14 on his current computer, and the PBCup servers are sv_minclientbuild 14..hmm Termi uses q2 to run dp.