Once a hacker and cheater always one. Those people were bored with the way the game was moving for them so they needed to change things to make it more fun.
OK Fine if you need changes then I say make a mod that jitspoe can add to the game for everyone to enjoy. To be honest, if everyone used the cheats you ban for would it not make the game in whole HARDER to play for all? More challenge knowing everyone can do this?
I don't cheat here, sometimes I see cheaters and it annoys me but I don't whine about it, it is just a game. Hell I cant even double jump or those legit things you can do here I just play like a noob and I have been playing since 2005. If there is so much hacking and cheating then one way to solve it, make one of the lesser used servers into a "open source" server for anyone to use what they will so all know it has cheats.
I on the other hand plan to play DP2 even if the servers go offline, hell I still play Activision Extreme Paintbrawl 4 from time to time and it has been offline for years. I don't need the net to enjoy a game just the fun of the game and knowing someone took the time and effort to make the game so I CAN enjoy it.
You got my support for the years to come jitspoe no matter how hard or dead it gets here, don't give up on all of us. If I knew the program and BSP I would gladly help you out.