mostly mooseballs
most facts are inaccurate, most assumptions are made to prove your point, but that doesn't make them true.
Every time this 'game is ded' thread spawns again I count the players on serverbrowser in the evening. Over the past years the number has been 100-150.
Clean the banlist, because multi accounts isn't so much of a serious issue? Yeah, the ban isnt so long either. 8 days, was it? Hardly a scene killer. The players who are involved in the matching scene and decide to hack nevertheless so much more disrespect towards the scene.
GLS is awesome as fuqkkk. Wait until jitspoe gets around to implement all the cool features you can have with it. Yeah, it might be in 10 years, but i'm sure as a honeybadger that this game isn't dead by then.
You talk about this game not being in this 'century'. Was it this century on 2003-2008. I guess you all agree with eachother than dp was AWESOME BACK THEN.
q3 isn't dead even now. Besides ql people still play cpma.
and one last thing. I know I didn't compile my sentences as good as this was my thesis or some excrement, but I don't feel the need for it. I know I'm right.
Instead of meddling 'ranting' in phorums why don't you start promoting the scene by yourself? Create a tournament, ask every player you see to participate. Im sure you can do such an easy task. or if you are into comput0rs and stuff maybe you can help with programming the game. Just ask terrorist/viciouz/jitspoe where you should start and what are the terms to get your work ported to the game. (i believe bono did none of that, he just created a menu, but it cant(?) be ported to the game)
that is all, was up all night to finish some excrement for school and now im gonna go to school, so if i didnt make much sense, i blame it on coffee and lack of sl33p.