Alright, rick you're just way too funny, so on a more serious note:
It's kinda funny how when Myers played you always were like: omg ily! - and now he's banned you act like he ruined the community. He helped more than most, he actually rarely even trash talked. YOU created cheats, taught people how to make them (Cuso, who's banned now cause of YOU) and taught other people/gave other people. Don't pretend you didn't. You can deny but we both know, Ride? Skitzo? Navyseal? Yeah, you're not perfect, you just had committee members fighting for your deserved ban, while the others don't have that for their undeserved lengths.
Pvtjimmy: stop acting all high and mighty. THATS the problem with this community. Everyone thinks their top poo, but they aren't. You think somebody saying: LOL or NOOB is bad, but you guys harass every noob on forums, you act like a double post is murder. You blame everyone else, and PvtJimmy leaked for almost a full year to Myers, great committee member! Yes, we have logs sir. You were his biggest leak (I actually asked him, so i'm sure he'll tell anyone).