GTA is 100% realistic, nigguh live a day in my shoes n u gun understnd. y u think im so gud at that game? I kno how to sruvive nigguh. dem days i wanna go to dat skewl ish, i juz take out my 9mm, say nigguh GTFO, and unload on that nigguh. white boiis dont dare come in here.
But now to the actual game part - PGPSandman, shutup. A new build isn't going to COMPLETELY make a new game. This game is surviving off people who have stayed around for 4-5+ years, not newbs. Making the physics 'realistic' will lose EVERY talented player. Than, sure you lose the supposedly 'attitude problem' - that is far more evident in other games, DP's attitude is hardly bad compared to most games. But, you "hope" new players come - while you guarantee old players leave. Horrible logic.
People play DP for the physics, people stay to learn. You want it so that a player who played 1 week can compete with a player who played years? That's silly. You never go to a game a dominate. Most people coming to DP2 are likely coming from other quake games, and enjoy the jumping - they just aren't experienced at it.
Don't forget, DP is being run by a single person, it's non-profit, you can't compare this to paid games fool. New players have their own servers, you'll never see a "pro" on OTB Speed, or Syncmasters Cable - they have their places to learn. Speed makes it MORE attractive. Speedball type games will become boring, FAST. If you want a slow movement shooting game, go play EVERY other game online. DP2 gives a unique gameplay, which is why it's still alive. There are PLENTY of adjustments that need to be made, but I'm sure most of the community can agree that changing the physics is not one of them (even though b33 messes dem physics up yo).
I say go toony. The physics are unrealistic, the textures will never be as nice as CS:S type games, the models magically bounce without bending their legs, why not go to toony? The textures are super easy to make, and you could really start with the old models as the base of the toony player models. I'm sure a toony looking website - game , would be more attractive. And the jumping and speed would be more expected.