Author Topic: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.  (Read 33062 times)


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #80 on: January 06, 2012, 07:32:54 PM »
Go flip!!!

@Myers "PS - fl1p go on irc plzzzzzzzzz"

You ask him to get on irc to talk about this, im sure.  Yet, you start your post with more insulting.

"It's called a modify button for a reason"
"but shet dugguh, you're taking it way further then it was ever meant to be. "

You say he's being ignorant.  You say ignorance is a way of "acting."  Ignorance isn't a way of "acting."  Ignorance is not having knowledge on a particular subject.
You can't hold someone being ignorant against them because it is not a willful act.  People take offense to it because the word carries a negative connotation, the "N" word even came from it.  Your use of the word was purely to insult, end of story.

Let us examine your behavior, since you say he's "acting."  You make a multi forum acct, spam a bunch of threads just to flame people, then try to defend yourself while still flaming people.  This seems a lot worse to me than someone taking things personal or not having knowledge of a particular subject.  As flip mentioned, your group of friends and/or you made things personal.  You can't get mad at someone for making things personal or for befriending people who get out of line.  It is natural for people to assume guilt by association.  Its one of the reasons I thought a lot of you and your friends hacked when I thought shk did.  Furthermore, you have been "acting" as if your vocabulary was purely ebonic just to color your insults.
You also say you've served your ban time for your actions, yet you avoid another ban to try and prove some points and piss some people off.
Wow. Pathetic.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2012, 07:55:52 PM by gonass »


  • VM-68
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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #81 on: January 06, 2012, 07:33:50 PM »


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 251
Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #82 on: January 06, 2012, 07:42:25 PM »
snowboarding? lies! theres no snow! :( meddling mountains in maine are all ice. LAME!


  • Autococker
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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #83 on: January 06, 2012, 07:44:40 PM »
snowbikes are way better


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #84 on: January 06, 2012, 10:55:07 PM »

naa snowmoblies are muccchhhh better          |        |


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #85 on: January 07, 2012, 12:09:30 AM »
Gonass - How am I avoiding another ban? And I never said I 'served' my ban - I've said I served the standard ban time for my offence, infact I've over doubled it. I'm not asking anyone to unban me, I'm curious as to when they'll be reviewed.

Proof that I made a buncha multi forum accounts? I will admit to making a few posts with multi's, but I wasn't the one using them to troll forums.

Also, I wasn't being serious when I originally replied to flip.

Lastly, there's nothing in this thread that I'd need to talk to flip about, so how is me asking him to go on IRC relevant to these posts? I've given my info to Jitspoe - and it's him reviewing the ban times. So nigguh stop speakin outcho ass, iight? And I never denied being a cocky, arrogant, childish, black, individual. I act how I is, ya dig? or ya need a shovel? shet.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 383
Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #86 on: January 07, 2012, 12:29:15 AM »
" I've said I served the standard ban time for my offence" 
"And I never said I 'served' my ban "
Practically same thing. 

"And I never denied being a cocky, arrogant, childish, black, individual."
Didn't say you denied it.  I said that you do it to color your flames.
"I act how I is, ya dig? or ya need a shovel? shet."


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #87 on: January 07, 2012, 04:09:43 AM »
+100 to Joonas. After blaa and partially Myers the third one in this thread who's able to point out his opinion with clear arguments, and more important, without insults.

As for Flip, I used to have trouble understanding him as well. When I got to know he has at least 15 years more experience in life, things started to change. I don't want to sound like your father or any other random old prick, but the older I get the more I appreciate people with such experience. The next time you discuss with Flip, remember he's at least double your age and respect him accordingly. Knowing Flip a little, I'm sure he'll respond in a respectful way as well.


  • Autococker
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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #88 on: January 07, 2012, 08:20:21 AM »
1- You'd be surprised what stuff players have problems with. You see the questions asked in #paintball - to us they seem retardedly simple, to them it's useful. That being said, it may not be the most useful thing ever, but it's still better than nothing. I'm not suggesting this should have any affect in his ban review - but players should ignore his ban and support when he tries to help the community.

2- We skipped the: "YOU HACKED MY COMPUTER! I DIDNT CHEAT" stage (besides Reaver) - and went to the "This game blows! 'x' game is soo much better!" -- It happens in EVERY ban... we just skipped some steps, and mocked a little more. That warrants a 64day ban to be 1024? Okay. Also, specific to Reaver -- Everyone read Foxhound's ban thread, he made a bigger deal than Reaver, so why does Reaver get a really high ban, yet Foxhound had a normal one? hmmm... consistency please.

Also - No I cannot answer that for the entire group, or even myself. But is that a reason to not let players back? I can say "We'll never cheat again!" but it's solely speculation, or assumption. I don't plan on it, can't speak for anyone else - they'll say they don't plan on it, but eh, so did Homingbullet every time. But why did players such as Homingbullet get 4-5 chances? Yet, you're against our group getting their 1st, or 2nd chances? hmmm... consistency please.

3- Fair enough. Kinda ironic Sata and I can't remember who else, got banned while being in [q] - hey look Sata is still in. Must hate those hackers. hmmm... consistency please.

4- I told Jitspoe not to worry about unbanning people until he has the time, and to put developing the game first. He has his priority list, and will get to it in time. So this reviewing doesn't affect his time working on DP.

5- Riddick and Chemical are idiots. nuff sed. But don't generalize an entire group for two people.

6- We cheated, reported ourselves (in a mocking way) - then after getting banned turned it in. It would've been a better idea to send it just to Jitspoe, sure, but regardless he got the cheats and explanations the same day we reported ourselves. It was just done in a.. stupid way. Guess that warrants an extra 960 days?

Blaa, I didn't see you caring when distributors in this community got unbanned... guess they're cool? Also, my question back: Given the normal ban times, was what we did deserving of 960 more days than normal? (We've served 160+ so far) -- or do you feel more that you'd just rather Jitspoe not have to waste time? (Even though he set it up like this so he wouldn't waste time later if he made a mistake).

Foxhound: We turned in the cheats and info after actually getting banned. I suppose he meant something like we didn't turn ourselves in when we found the undetectable cheat, which we did know was undetectable as Cyntex was using it since June.

1- Yeah, and even those videos will not help them. I would love to be proven wrong by somebody saying "wow, thanks, chemical, these videos really helped me to use google". female dog please, you know that these videos are awful.
Besides, there are tutorials to cover almost everything you need to know.

2- You got 1024 days, instead of 64. Afaik some are already unbanned? Anyway, I don't care that you got punishmant 'too much'. Normal players never hack. I'm a normal player. I don't care about it. Maybe you shouldnt have hacked? JUST MAYBE MAN

3- Didn't know sata have been banned. While we're at it, magalhaes and dave have been banned too. What's this consistency you are talking about? As much as I remember, your groups case is kind of unique, so far.

4- Have you seen the feature vote page? I doubt jitspoe finishes all that before your bans run out... :D lol have fun

5- Ok, i don't generalize your group as idiots. I generalize you as hackers.

6- I agree totally.

Please, go through all my posts. I doubt you will find me defending a cheater.


  • Autococker
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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #89 on: January 07, 2012, 09:12:49 AM »
You're lucky fl1p and I didn't get to create the ban times for the committee... One hack and it's perma-banned. You all should be thankful for only getting 1024 days. And now you say it's not fair? How was it fair for the rest of the community that you hacked against them??? Where's our fairness? All you're doing is thinking about yourselves to get unbanned, and not what's best for the community. Go back to playing those other games you were all so happy to leave here to play.

Myer's, you used to be cool, until you jumped in the group with shk and chemical. Now you're just the same as them.  :-\


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 251
Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #90 on: January 07, 2012, 10:42:52 AM »
jusu that was by far the dumbest post ive ever seen. if you want to spew crap out of your mouth like that you should do it elsewhere. so tell me why havent the (obviously i havent been counting 10-100 people who have been banned since us) received 1054 days? did they not hurt the community? wheres the fairness? i mean didnt they hurt the community just as much? i think its obvious that all you're doing is thinking for yourself.

P.S. this isnt a personal issue just pointing out the HUGE FLAW in your post. id agree with you whole heartedly if everyone after us got 1054 days and it started with us but picking out individuals is why the committee is flawed. if i were in the committee i wouldnt look at names or how it would effect me id look at the FACTS. kthxbai


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #91 on: January 07, 2012, 10:45:07 AM »
 Its 1024, jesus maria.

Special ban for the special kids :)


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 251
Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #92 on: January 07, 2012, 10:46:31 AM »
i got 1054 as did a few others. amusing that youd point out a 30 day difference rather then attempt to argue with me ( you must know im right)


  • Autococker
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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #93 on: January 07, 2012, 11:27:58 AM »

2- We never got a 1024 ban, we got a temporary ban until Jitspoe could find out who truly distributed and who didn't, then he'd change them. Nobody is arguing their ban times are too long, since nobody knows what their actual ban time will be, until Jitspoe reviews it. The punishment hasn't been set yet, and I don't think anyone (Jitspoe, or the cheaters) are really in a hurry. I'm not arguing to get unbanned, I've given my stuff in, and that's it. The posts in this thread have no impact on my status. Jitspoe found out that chalk had little impact on the situation, that's why he got banned. (Then he found out he made a mistake on that, which is delaying everyone else from getting unbanned).

3- Our group case isn't unique, it was a group cheating that has happened before, many times. (Rick/Cuso modded maps, Ij spiked models etc.etc...) -- and I was just pointing out, for somebody so against hackers, you support them enough to still clan with them.

4- He's finishing the current build, before reviewing the ban times. Not the entire feature vote page.

5- Riddick "didnt cheat" - so how can you call him a hacker?!?!

6- So you think, based off every ban that has happened in dp2, it's fair to add 960days to people on their 1st or 2nd offenses, for mockingly reporting themselves? I understand cheating is unwanted, but if both cheated, how does the means in getting caught multiply your ban soo much - but Homingbullet and co got to cheat 4+ times before getting that many days? (Even though, 1024 isn't our ban, just looking at it this way for now).


Perma-ban would be better, or at least on 2nd offense probably. However, this game doesn't draw in enough players - considering most of the active community has cheated before. But anyways, perma bans are the better way to go, as long as it's consistent. Also, I consider 1024 pretty permanent. Assuming Jitspoe says: You all are keeping 1024, so that turns out to be our actual bantime - how is it fair that every other cheater doesn't get it? What makes us so different? Cause we knew better? Ij played longer than all of us, and had a group "spiked model" cheating... PS- I didn't leave for another game, I left for school, which I'll be starting back in 2 days.

The same could be said to you, couldn't it? About being 'cool' until joining a different group, then the group defines you. Kazee/TiNi/Summit/Circa quit on meh, so shk/chem adopted me. lolzjk I still think you're cool.


Bro stop posting, you make everyone generalize our group as idiots. lyk shet man.


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #94 on: January 07, 2012, 11:30:45 AM »
if i were in the committee i wouldnt look at names or how it would effect me id look at the FACTS.

That's how things work out as well now.

I guess you need no reminder that bans for cheating/hacking/modifying content are all dealt with by Jitspoe himself. The committee does have nothing to do with your ban, or with any of the others. All we can do for you is pass on info to Jitspoe, but I think it's easier to contact him directly.

It's ok to hate the committee, but seriously, come with some good arguments and stop blaming the committee for everything that goes wrong in your opinion. Could you do me that favor?


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #95 on: January 07, 2012, 11:58:46 AM »
Hacking is a punishable crime, even if this is 'just a game', without rules a game cannot be fun. However those rules should be kept consistent to stop arguments.

Jitspoe implemented rules, which he upkeeps very well for someone with limited time, alongside good developments for the game. The committee members are also a useful and nice group of people. Flaming them is dikfoolery.

The banned group of people are a mixture of smart and stupid people. Some Id like to see unbanned, some I wouldnt, purely out of personal preference. However, in all fairness, they should all be reviewed equally. Even if they acted like complete meddling idiots after they got banned, they should get a separate punishment for that, and a separate punishment for the hacking.

Any opinions or views presented by people on the case are irrelevant, unless if they have some direct and concrete information. Even then, there is a lot which is not known about the case by the community, from unseen conversations to pale lies.

I personally think we should all just move the f on. If you carefully read all the posts, even Myers seems to be growing out of his argumentative in-your-face flaming self (somewhat, its a work in progress).

We can all agree that hacking is bad, and that Jits has a limited amount of time, but then again, these bans should be reviewed fairly. This is an aspect of the game's system which has been make to create fairness. Yeah its unfair that they hacked, but that does not matter, the system we have is one in which reviewing of hacks and bans used a personal tone to make things fair. Yeah some will say 'these kids deserve 1024 days because theyre a bunch of kunts', but thats irrelevant. Just let Jits and the Committee do their work, theyre here for a reason :)

And you know Im right, because I speak with a British Accent.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 251
Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #96 on: January 07, 2012, 01:29:44 PM »

actually its because they're grouping my posts together with yours when they have no correlation at all.


you do realize this is my 1st post even mentioning the committee and its because of a post by jusu that portrayed the committee in a bad light. how is that my fault?


  • Autococker
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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #97 on: January 07, 2012, 03:21:53 PM »

you do realize this is my 1st post even mentioning the committee and its because of a post by jusu that portrayed the committee in a bad light. how is that my fault?
All I still see is crying over personal bans... And what is this with me portraying the committee in a bad light??? HAHA! Oh man the things these kids try to use out of the posts is hilarious. Did I say I'd vote for special ban times for you? No. I said we'd want all hackers banned permanently... Still think about your own self and thinking you're an exception I see.
[P.S. I used the word 'kid' to entice you into the typical rage, rawr!]


Bro stop posting, you make everyone generalize our group as idiots. lyk shet man.
And myers, ^ truth. LOL


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #98 on: January 07, 2012, 03:48:58 PM »
K my last post here:

Riddick, why do you even post about your ban. You "didn't cheat" - so it's obviously just a matter of time before Jitspoe realizes he banned you without anything, and you were right all along, forcing him to unban you...


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #99 on: January 07, 2012, 05:36:13 PM »
apparently you arent even in the committee so not sure why you're acting as though you are