Couldn't you just use "hand 2" and make it center handed? or are you trying to be able to change hands but still not see the gun?
So I don't like seeing my gun at all, and use cl-gun 0. Every time I close PB and re-open it, I have to type it in again. It doesn't get saved in my settings, I even tried saving it in my config files, didn't work. Any ideas?
type : "seta cl_gun 0" (exitus wrote about it arleady)
Or chuck it in the config maybe?
and the fact that hand does change the position from where the balls shoot out... i do however prefer hand 2.
The ball has an arc due to gravity and also can curve in different directions to simulate real paintball flight. There is no crosshair that will be accurate for every distance. You just have to use the crosshair as a reference point and realize that you need to lead and/or aim above targets at a distance.