zodiac is currently looking to recruit a few members, skill level is irrelevant, age is irrelevant, time playing is irrelevant etc....
I tried looking in pubs, but it's Brazilians who spam 'aff' and don't understand english... so I figured posting here might work. I'm trying to limit the amount of players I take from existing teams, since I want to grow in activity, not just move around the current activity. I'm hoping a thread catches the attention of some clanless players... guess we'll see.
There wont be any 'tryouts' or anything. If you fit the requirements below, then you're good.
- Has, or willing to get and use IRC
- Has, or willing to get and use Teamspeak3 (A mic would be nice)
- Fluent in english
- Is not Brazilian, they're taking over the game.
- Preferably NA, but I'm willing to take a few euros if they can speak and understand english.
PS: Chalk would like: (not mandatory)
- 6'2 and plays volleyball
- Long blonde hair. (Preferably a guy, but if you're a girl and have been checked for cooties its okay).
- Milk chocolate skin - OR - pure vanilla (Nothing between).
Our current roster consists of just Myself, and Chalk.
Contact us via:
IRC - #zodiac (MSG MyeRs or Chalk)
TS3 - ts57.light-speed.com:5144
Vent - bromine.typefrag.com:33589 pw: typevent
Or, just post in this thread
tis all.